The First Time-Traveller: A Novel (Religious Fiction)

The First Time-Traveller: A Novel (Religious Fiction)


:NT$ 373 元
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This Novel is about time-travelling. judas, (the scarriot) the apostle of Christ, the one who betrayed HIM of 30 pieces of silver. satan. the hell and its authority (a depiction of what hell is, an idea, etc. all about hell and the otherside). The sorrowful mystery, on a different perspective, on how the devil, the angels, the people, etc. an inspirational idea on what transpired that day (the crucifixion of Jesus Christ) and GOD THE FATHER, the MYSTERIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Mostly, at first focuses on judas and satan, the witnessing of judas on what happened upon satan's banishment from the heaven down to earth. The LIGHT of Jesus Christ. The passive LIGHT. "THE HOLY SPIRIT" and all of its MYSTERIES. THE DIVINE POWER OF GOD, that even judas was inside hell, he had redemption.

The unseen creatures. A different point of view, on why satan and the devils, behaves on such manner that is predictable, and that the GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER is celebrated on such HIGH LEVEL. That upon JCMMOTU (Jesus Christ My Master of the Universe) death on the cross, death by a spear, in medical terminologies, hypovolemic shock, blood loss. For GOD THE FATHER AND HIS ONLY SON (JCMMOTU) witnessed that day on who really was unto their side. For even the heavens and the angels does not know about the INTERVENTION OF GOD THE FATHER. Only THE FATHER AND THE SON knows all about this. That GOD THE FATHER intervened that day, JCMMOTU was sheltered, seeing, hearing thoughts and everything, knowing everything, etc.

Since, on what transpiring that day, the authority, the power, the divine will, the kingdom of heaven, etc. was being bestowed or being transferred to HIS ONLY SON (JCMMOTU), it is VERY WISE, of GOD THE FATHER (to INTERVENE THIS WAY) that it is ONLY BETWEEN THEM (THE FATHER AND HIS ONLY SON) to KNOW EVERYTHING. That through HIS DEATH (JCMMOTU) is the GREATEST GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.

The divine interventions of LIGHT from the arch/ark angels, the birth of "primal minion" and it is ONLY FOUR ever existed.

For the structure on how i deliver this novel is by a "trilogy" or by four books. The first novel or book is this, judas, satan, history about it inside hell, etc.

Lastly, the last chapter of this book, details, THE FIRST TIME-TRAVELLER, which is Jesus Christ (JCMMOTU) at the age 12-13, with St. Joseph. Upon entering the forest.

This is just an inspirational idea. For i ain't ALL KNOWING, for i ain't ALL SEEING. and ABOVE ALL, i have NO DESIRE/INTENT TO MISLEAD ANY TRUTH, for i am A SEEKER OF TRUTH. Therefore, this novel as i categorized it as a religious fiction, on how i am not a stranger to GOD, that all my knowledge or know-how is based and are limited, i am not a religious person but i consider myself "A MAN OF FAITH".

FAITH is where the HOLY SPIRIT resides and FOUNDED within ALL LIGHT. (BEFORE CREATION, OLD TESTAMENT down to the NEW TESTAMENT) Therefore to test its FAITH is EVIL!







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