¿Quién Es Olimpia Wimberly? / Who Is Olimpia Wimberly?
出版社:Ediciones B
作者:María Frisa
Es el momento de que Olimpia Wimberly conozca la verdad sobre su pasado. Es el momento de que t?conozcas a Olimpia.
Vuelve Mar燰 Frisa con una novela repleta de giros, tensi鏮 y secretos enterrados en un lujoso pasado.
Intentar detener a Olimpia Wimberly es tan absurdo como intentar frenar un tren de mercanc燰s con la cabeza. Lleva a隳s al mando de un equipo clandestino encargado de solucionar crisis que ni la polic燰 ni el FBI pueden resolver. Pero por primera vez, tras una misi鏮, termina en el hospital. Es all?donde un anciano al borde de la muerte la reconoce. Se trata de un hombre indocumentado y sin huellas dactilares que acaba de escapar de la caba鎙 donde lo han tenido secuestrado los timos treinta a隳s. Qui幯 es? De qu?la conoce? Acaso la confunde con otra persona? Olimpia decide investigar al desconocido y descubrir qu?esconde. Sin embargo, ni se imagina que, para ello, tendr?que hurgar en las heridas del pasado que incluso se oculta a s?misma. Mar燰 Frisa vuelve a demostrarnos su capacidad para tensionar las tramas e introducir giros inesperados. En esta historia nos lleva desde las altas esferas del Washington D.C. actual hasta el Nueva York de los a隳s ochenta en un ambiente de lujo, desenfreno, amores prohibidos y secretos inconfesables. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
It's time for Olimpia Wimberly to learn the truth about her past. It's time for you to meet Olimpia.
Mar燰 Frisa returns with a novel full of twists, tension, and secrets buried in a luxurious past. Trying to stop Olimpia Wimberly is as absurd as trying to stop a moving train with your head. For years she has overseen a clandestine team in charge of solving crises that neither the police nor the FBI can solve. But for the first time, after a mission, she ends up at the hospital. There an old man on the verge of death recognizes her. He is an undocumented man without fingerprints who has just escaped from the cabin where he has been held hostage for the last thirty years. Who is he? How does he know her? Does he confuse her with someone else? Olimpia decides to investigate the stranger and discover what he is hiding. However, she doesn't imagine that, for this, she will have to delve into the wounds of the past that she even hides from herself. Mar燰 Frisa once again proves her ability to tense plots and to introduce unexpected twists and turns. In this story, she takes us from the highest levels of current Washington D.C. to the New York of the 80s in an atmosphere of luxury, debauchery, forbidden love, and unspeakable secrets.
Vuelve Mar燰 Frisa con una novela repleta de giros, tensi鏮 y secretos enterrados en un lujoso pasado.
Intentar detener a Olimpia Wimberly es tan absurdo como intentar frenar un tren de mercanc燰s con la cabeza. Lleva a隳s al mando de un equipo clandestino encargado de solucionar crisis que ni la polic燰 ni el FBI pueden resolver. Pero por primera vez, tras una misi鏮, termina en el hospital. Es all?donde un anciano al borde de la muerte la reconoce. Se trata de un hombre indocumentado y sin huellas dactilares que acaba de escapar de la caba鎙 donde lo han tenido secuestrado los timos treinta a隳s. Qui幯 es? De qu?la conoce? Acaso la confunde con otra persona? Olimpia decide investigar al desconocido y descubrir qu?esconde. Sin embargo, ni se imagina que, para ello, tendr?que hurgar en las heridas del pasado que incluso se oculta a s?misma. Mar燰 Frisa vuelve a demostrarnos su capacidad para tensionar las tramas e introducir giros inesperados. En esta historia nos lleva desde las altas esferas del Washington D.C. actual hasta el Nueva York de los a隳s ochenta en un ambiente de lujo, desenfreno, amores prohibidos y secretos inconfesables. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
It's time for Olimpia Wimberly to learn the truth about her past. It's time for you to meet Olimpia.
Mar燰 Frisa returns with a novel full of twists, tension, and secrets buried in a luxurious past. Trying to stop Olimpia Wimberly is as absurd as trying to stop a moving train with your head. For years she has overseen a clandestine team in charge of solving crises that neither the police nor the FBI can solve. But for the first time, after a mission, she ends up at the hospital. There an old man on the verge of death recognizes her. He is an undocumented man without fingerprints who has just escaped from the cabin where he has been held hostage for the last thirty years. Who is he? How does he know her? Does he confuse her with someone else? Olimpia decides to investigate the stranger and discover what he is hiding. However, she doesn't imagine that, for this, she will have to delve into the wounds of the past that she even hides from herself. Mar燰 Frisa once again proves her ability to tense plots and to introduce unexpected twists and turns. In this story, she takes us from the highest levels of current Washington D.C. to the New York of the 80s in an atmosphere of luxury, debauchery, forbidden love, and unspeakable secrets.