Lessons from the Book of Acts: Bible Study with Jairus
出版社:Independently published
作者:Sean Junjie Song
規格:27.9cm*21.6cm*1.2cm (高/寬/厚)
One of the most enlightening thoughts we received from reading the book of Acts was regarding the journey of Paul from Jerusalem to Rome. What was Jerusalem in Paul's experience? It was the place he found Christ and was called to follow Him. What then was Rome in Paul's experience? It represented the place of Paul's destiny. Often, we are not willing to leave the place we are called because it is the place we are comfortable with, or where we have a special burden toward. But our destiny may not be this place of comfort and familiarity. Jesus called Paul on his way to Damascus from Jerusalem and told him to leave Jerusalem and go far away to the Gentiles because his testimony would not be accepted in Jerusalem (22:18-21). Yet Paul was slow to follow this lead. He was burdened to be in Jerusalem, and he determined to be there even after receiving warnings from the Holy Spirit and fellow believers. God patiently waited for Paul. Eventually, Paul felt he was to be in Rome, but he was not sure if he could make it (Rom. 1:13). That was why he wrote the book of Romans in Corinth before he went to Jerusalem. He was determined to die in Jerusalem due to his burden for the Jews. He was bound as prophesied though the mouth of Agabus. Things turned around, however, when Jesus appeared to him when he was bound in Jerusalem. Jesus told Paul he would testify for Jesus in Rome as he did in Jerusalem (23:11). Then through various trails including storms, shipwreck, and three months in an unknown island, Paul eventually made it to Rome. Paul conversed with Jews in Rome about the gospel, and he was refused. Eventually Paul acknowledged that God was right and that his testimony would not be accepted among the Jews. That is, the gospel would turn to the Gentiles. Now finally Paul reached his destiny which was to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles. This is where Acts ends-with Paul finally walking in the destiny God prepared for him. He was on the right path, so the Holy Spirit stopped the writing there. The book of Acts is God's leading of Paul from his calling to his destiny. This is true at least for the second half of the book. What can we learn from Paul's experience? We may often be called from a religious environment like Paul was. Paul overcame the piety that came from the religious Jews. Paul stood firmly proclaiming the gospel to them. When God calls us to face this same religious spirit, in order to advance into our destiny, we have to overcome it as well so we can eventually move beyond it to testify to the world! Every new movement from God stirs persecution from religious traditions. Can you stand against it, or will you be intimidated by it? We must overcome the religious spirits around us so we can testify to the world. This is often our experience today, and the way God leads us is usually beyond our natural mind. Though we receive God's words in our spirit, we may be slow in following God's leading. Our natural minds often become obstacles for us to follow God's leading. I think Paul took a detour to Rome by coming to Jerusalem. Did he have to go to Jerusalem? No! Jesus made it clear to him when He appeared to Paul, but Jesus patiently waited for Paul to catch up in his mind. Is this your experience today? It certainly has been my experience!