Holy Book of Verses: The Holy Word of God

Holy Book of Verses: The Holy Word of God


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Expressing my hearts sincere thanksgiving to all my readers
There is absolutely nothing in the entire universe that could make me feel the world's most happiest and blessed human being than for me to write in representation of my heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for all to know of its existence, love and justice! Hi! My name is Nelson E. Torres and as the author of this book and several others, I take deep in my heart and soul the greatest joy, pride and happiness when it comes to writing about God Almighty! Because me without God, you wouldn't be reading this book...period! Not ONLY do I personally feel but actually is the world most blessed man due to God's love, blessings and spiritual guidance and protection from the evil world that surrounds us all! Of course I also write about other extremely important yet much needed and beneficial subjects that has helped man and women of all ages around the world. All my writing are composed of nothing but trueful non- fiction informative up-to date information! One thing that I can and will personally guarantee about the information contained in this book is that if YOU put in to practice in your every day life activities the information here contained, you too will start feeling extremely blessed and happy and not to mention all the health wealth that only God Almighty can offer and give at His own glorious will! "Good Things Come To All Those That Wait!" it is your faith and not your good deeds that will bring you close to God and that will also bring you anything and everything you so much need and want! Because the sacred word of the Son of the Father said the following..."Anything You Ask of My Father In My Name...My Father Will Give To You!" what else can we ask as promise and evidence? Ask and YOU shall receive! This book is like non other in the world after the Word of God because in it there is nothing but true-life everlasting love! With a little over "One Thousand" (1,000) Holy Bible verses for all to greatly enjoy reading and learning, those seeking guidance through life and help with any and all types of every day problems, you are guarantee to find the solutions in the words of this book! I take extreme care and time when it comes to me writing things about God because God is everything to me in my heart and life! One thing I know about you and that is that your heart is craving for love, guidance, blessings and care from God! Otherwise, for what other reason your eyes would had landed on the cover of this book? Whether you want to admitted or not, your heart is silently and in loneliness is crying out loud for spiritual love and help! Let me give you one of the worlds most important advice...first and most important thing you must do is...ask God to forgive your sins! Mind you, I said...sins and not sin! With the letter "S" and the end! Don't bother asking God for any blessings and or protection and help unless you FIRST ask Him to forgive your sins...all your sins before asking for anything! The biggest error of any and all human being is asking God for help when you are in extreme need without first asking for the most important thing of all...forgiveness! Any human being feeling too proud and or too important as to be asking a God they don't know or even seen, that my friend is a diabolical and satanical mental state of spiritual prison! Free your mind, your soul and your human life from evil spiritual imprisonment! Because God is a true God of everlasting and unconditional love and life, it is God and God only who can and will forgive and bless you right now this very moment as you read this book! Put God to the test just so that you can see with your eyes and feel with your heart His love, presence, help and blessings in your life!







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