Bvp Bundle (While We're on the Topic, Nature of Language, Language Acquisition in a Nutshell)

Bvp Bundle (While We're on the Topic, Nature of Language, Language Acquisition in a Nutshell)


:NT$ 2850 元
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This bundle features:
While We're on the Topic

From one of the leading figures in the field of second language acquisition and second language teaching, While We're on the Topic... offers an up-to-date overview of six principles underlying contemporary communicative language teaching. In a conversational style, Bill VanPatten addresses principles related to the nature of communication, the nature of language, how language is acquired, the roles of input and interaction, tasks and activities, and focus on form ("grammar"). Each principle is informed by decades of research yet all are presented in a manner accessible to veteran and novice educators alike.

This book is a must read for all interested in 21st century language teaching. With special features such as Foundational Readings, Discussion Questions and Food for Thought, "I..." statements for self-assessment, and While We're on the Topic reflection boxes that invite the reader to ponder related topics, this book can easily be used as the foundation for any course on contemporary language teaching.

The Nature of Language: A Short Guide to What's in Our Heads

Why a book on the nature of language? The answer is surprising in this new book by Bill VanPatten. Language just isn't what most of us think it is-and because of that, the need to know about the nature of language takes on new importance for teachers who really want to teach for acquisition, who truly want to teach for communicative ability and proficiency. It provides teachers with one of the important arguments for striking out on their own and exploring new methods and alternative curricula and assessments. Engaging and reader friendly, this book will challenge every teacher's ideas about what winds up in learners' heads. It will lead teachers to question the content of most current textbooks and the practices contained in them.

Language Acquisition in a Nutshell: A Primer for Teachers will be your definitive guide on second languages and how they are acquired. Written in an easy-to-understand tone with an occasional touch of light-heartedness, Language Acquisition in a Nutshell is made for both teachers and teachers in training. It will show you new ways to think about second-language acquisition, while providing practical ways to implement your new insights. Language Acquisition in a Nutshell does not tell teachers how to teach or what to teach. Rather, the authors help teachers be as informed as possible as they make decisions about what they do and what they expect of their learners-- and perhaps what they expect of themselves.

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