The Dance of Success: A Drama of Thought, Feeling, Words, Action with Intention and Intuition

The Dance of Success: A Drama of Thought, Feeling, Words, Action with Intention and Intuition


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The mini-drama titled ' THE DANCE OF SUCCESS' is written as part of the author's journey as a life-coach under the guidance of various world famous coaches, trainers and mentors like Thedius Lawrence, Blair Singers and others. He has been trained through the online-courses of Quantum Leap and Success Gyan, two pioneers organizations in India to conduct train the trainers programme with the purpose of making India the Training Capital of the World by 2030. The author is now in direct guidance of Matindra Chandra Debnath, a world famous Holistic Trainer, Coach and Mentor. Being a student of MCD VK Life University and as a NLP student of Mitesh Khatri, one of the most successful practical NLP trainer in India, he is very much inspired to write a series of books which are going to be published almost every week of 2023. This book is a fruit of the inspiration of his direct holy gurus on the Earth on book writing that is helping to evolve more and more.

This drama begins with the conversation between Riya and David after a class in college. They were planning to a picnic. But David seems to be somewhat depressed. Riya wants to know the cause of it. David informs the decline of his father's business due to Covid-19. Riya, on the other hand was never in bad mood. She was in the training and coaching session under a life coach named Michel. They decided to meet Michel. At first David did not want to go to Michel, but finally agreed. Reaching there, Riya and David saw some other friends common to all of them. They were Rajan, (Thought), Rita (Feeling), Covid ( Words or self-talk), Arjun ( action), Shovan ( Intention) and Intention (Universe). When Michel and Riya met the them there, they were surprised. They could not think that they were taking online training and coaching from Michel like them. They physically came to meet Michel because they were planning to celebrate the progress of their career and success in life because they have developed their PIP's ( preinstalled psychological properties) of mind. They have developed their main four aspects of life Health, Relationship, Career and Money Consciousness. Michel informed that they must celebrate their success in this stage of life through a festival called '' Youth Retreat" next month. In that festival Rajan, (Thought), Rita (Feeling), Covid ( Words or self-talk), Arjun ( action), Shovan ( Intention) and Intention (Universe) would present a drama which will show that if they do not act simultaneously, their training and coaching will not be successful.
The purpose of the drama is to show-
(i) knowledge or wisdom gathering is a part of gaining success in life.
(ii) The knowledge or wisdom should be implemented thought proper and reviewable, routine-bound action.
(iii) To show that our positive self-talk or inner talk should be given priority in our life.
(iv) Our thought, words, actions and intuitions should be in alignment to get the intuitive or God's guidance.
(v) To show that we must be aware of Masculine energy and Feminine energy.

Let us enjoy the knowledge shared in this book and implement in life to achieve success in life.







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