Oaths of Loyalty: blackmail

Oaths of Loyalty: blackmail


:NT$ 432 元
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A young woman who has done nothing wrong gets successfully blackmailed by a nefarious couple.

She pulls out a large manila envelope and hands it to me.

"What's this?"

"Our new hobby, Max and me, compromising photos. You definitely need to see them."

Curious, I open it up and slide them out. They are high-quality color enlargements.

"Oh my God. These are of me, my head on nude bodies, nude bodies doing unspeakable things."

"Hard to tell that they are fake. Right? Look at the last one. It makes you look like a pedophile. The envelope is addressed to the School Board."

I look at them dumbfounded as I slide the photos back into the envelope hoping no one will see. Silence engulfs us as they order coffees.

"What do you want?"

"Real photos, not fakes. Our new pastime, nude photography. It would be awkward asking one of our friends to do it, and a model costs money, so we opted for this approach."

"You want to force me to model nude for you?"

"Oh no! It will definitely be your choice. In fifteen minutes, you decide if this goes into the mailbox over there, or if you invite yourself over to our house to help us. It's a typical suburban place a few miles from here, nice and comfy, and a camera is already set up in the living room. We need to hurry though, as Max wants to get the afternoon lighting for the best effect."

"Explain to me why I want to do this."

"If you help out us out, your new besties Mandy and Max, we'll help you out by not costing you your job. Word has it you have a lot of student debt, are already late on your rent, and have only your frail mother to help you out.

Coffee break is over Sarah. Follow me."

She heads toward the mailbox, Max and I follow.

"Decision time, Sarah." I gasp as she inserts the threatening item halfway into the slot.
- - -

The third form is a contract between you and us. Loyalty is commitment, fidelity, faithfulness, devotion, a strong feeling of support and allegiance, adherence, and much more. This ia an Oath of Loyalty. Read it over and sign it.

I, Sarah Connor, vow to honor Max and Mandy Miller, believe in them, protect them, and do everything in my power to make their lives happy and fulfilled without reservation. I give myself to them completely, and I promise to obey them always, from this day forth, being proactive in finding new ways to satisfy their desires, pleasures and whims. I vow a lifetime of unquestioning obedience and will eagerly accept all types of humiliation and punishment.

I am exhausted, feeling beyond the point of no return, and just want to get back to my car and home. I sign.

- - -
"Sarah, here's a teddy bear for you."

"Wow, a gift?"

"It's a teddy cam. Set it on your dresser pointed at your bed, sync it to your WiFi.

- - -

"I know a guy who might be able to help. Search the internet for black market body organs. See how much we could get."

"It says kidneys are $200,000. A liver is worth $157,000. A heart goes for $119,000 and corneas are $30,000."
- - -

We are now co-workers and housemates and running a sex club.

I'm bisexual. She's a computer nerd like you. Some kind of super-hacker, dark web stuff. Cally can do amazing things.
- - -

A glow begins to appear from under the water. It becomes bigger and brighter.

"They can do 500 miles per hour below the surface. We call them USOs."

"Oh my God, this is so exciting, Captain!"
- - -

We saw a UFO, a big one, size of the aircraft carrier. Everyone else was locked below deck, all 5000. A thousand people confined in a sub-level holding area went poof as we watched on a closed-circuit TV camera, teleported into the UFO. Then it zipped away as fast as watching a cursor zip across the computer screen.







定價:100 432



