Last Mystery

Last Mystery


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Talking of the mystery chosen wife, chosen by the gods and for the chosen one, I remember this beautiful damsel was long ago said to be chosen by the gods for the chosen one. Her parents tried to raise her accordingly from childhood. Ego as she was called was a beauty to behold. Her education, choice of friends, and even food was made for her. Ego grew with already made plans and patterns but was frustrated as she was not allowed a mind of her own. While I was in the United States I received the news how she died at a tender age of fifteen. I wondered where the gods were when common malaria took her life. All I heard was that no one should question the gods. In this modern jet age, they want us to live with that fallacy. No, not me. Others may, I cannot. I have seen the light and cannot grope any longer in darkness. The conflicts of the ages, the gods and the people must bow to the truth. We must let the light shine. This is a huge task. Not to demean our traditions but to remove all the scary evil skeletal appendages that weighs us down. The young shall grow and you too can travel.
As expected my parents kicked against my intentions of marrying what they called an outsider. The traditional people felt greatly disappointed with me for defiling our tradition and disobeying the gods as the chosen one. I wondered where were the gods when their choice wife for the chosen one died and till date no replacement. Another set that were disappointed by my decision were the ... . .
Wam! Albatross swooped on his prey like when the kite or hawk dives for the unprotected chicks. On hearing the unfriendly sound I looked back and up to see the giant evil bird coming for me. I screamed calling the name of the Lord but the great albatross hovering, focusing on his target lowered as she spread her spattering wings. She flapped her wings as if announcing my end, then opened her mouth chuckling and reeling out incantations for the final onslaught... During one of these magical wars Stella and Mrs Eastwood encountered one of these magicians who sent his fire against them. As this block of fire rose high into the air and headed down towards them, Mrs. Eastwood screamed "we are protected and I command the fire of God to consume you in Jesus name." Immediately the magic strange fire stood still like a pillar and motionless. A wall of shield appeared between the magus and the two ladies. The magician was lifted up as he cried for help. He was struck against the rock and collapsed... The Last Mystery (Angel Series Book 3) is a follow up to books one and two of Angel series. Angel Series is revealing and suspense full. It is a story of Ikem and Ehie city growing out of ancestral and generational bondage. Dealing with the truth, revealing information of evil past brought solution and salvation to this people.You will see your story or that of your family or people in this story. Learn the solution for your problem from their story. It is a must read. Get copies for yourself and for your friends too.







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