Last Sacrifice

Last Sacrifice


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"Welcome darling to my new world," he first said to his wife.
Mrs. Stone looked bemused then asked, "What is wrong with you? I should be the one saying welcome to you. Or has the African way of life done some magic on you?"
"Whatever it is, it is great. We are about to explode..."
"It is you that will explode and not me. You surely need to see a doctor. Let me put a call to the family physician."
As Mrs. Stone approached the phone to make good her threat, the husband never resisted as he had been feeling funny inside since he accepted those stones from Jerry Boy in spite of his joy of expecting great discovery. Discoveries indeed! He has started unveiling the truth, a Sick body carrying a happy and expectant heart. After all the medical examinations nothing wrong was found. "It is only jet lag due to your long trip. You just need some rest," the doctor suggested. But Mr. Stone seems to have stones churning in his stomach and sometimes breaking headaches. The wife saw the precious stones and was excited too. She picked out the green emerald into her pocket just to price it out and show her friends. The sickness now never mattered but the great success story that awaits them. So the family went to bed happily. Mid night the first story unveiled. Mrs. Stone was awoken by the cry of a baby.
"What is wrong with Michael again? They will not let me rest. I must wake early for my trip," as she made her way to the children's room. They were all asleep. She went back to sleep. After some five minutes the cry started again. At first she ignored it bur it grew louder.
"I want to go home. I want to go home." The cry continued unabated.
She was alarmed. It was not from the children's room but from her closet or alcove. She staggered as she headed to the direction of the voice. It was coming from her gown's pocket. "It is the Gem stone." She ran to wake up Mr. Stone who was heavily asleep under the influence of the drug he took. He followed her to her room but the cry has stopped. He brought out the glittering gem stone,
"Mary, you are hallucinating again."
"I am not joking. Two times I woke up to that voice. Something is not right."...
This turned Ehie city into a sort of holy land of precious stone for pilgrimages. This Angel Series is a game changer and a must read. Get a copy for yourself and for your friends too.







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