The Sunshine of Our Life

The Sunshine of Our Life


:NT$ 1680 元
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Everyday we do hard work to perform our daily activities, if we want something we have to go and get it, go and grab it.

Probably everybody know what we need and somehow how to get it, but then good advice here is that we have to knock the door to be open, go there and ask to be given for Us, and then when is given to Us, are we going to take it? Do the effort and then take it? What are we going to do with that?

We have our destiny in our hands, someone said that we are the architects of our destiny, and we can see that, we have free will when we perform our daily activities and do it in any way we want, of course we have to do in a positive way in order to receive good.

Everything going around come around, we have seen that, we can call the results of our actions, we form our karma, our own destiny, by now, we already know about our bodies, our physical body that is mortal, our soul that is always changing and the most important and most forgotten is our spirit.

Let's speak a bit of our spirit, in the cells of our body, in our atoms that are small particles those need to be seeing by the microscope they are so small, in here we have the electrons of our body and they are tiny points of light, that we can make them be brighter, but all depends in our attitude, is like a machine that with the time is rusty already, but they can be cleaned, then they will show their light, the energy and be stronger and brighter.

Who want to perform in a better way? Me, I do, you, yes you do, show perfection in what we do, having no mistakes at all, doing the correct answer and having the correct attitude to perform anything we are up to, but for this we have to be conscious because we receive back what we do, we do not try to harm, or do nothing against nobody, but our business will be successful, the success we need to be free of a chain of reactions due to our way to solve and do things.

Developing our conscience has to see with the light in our electrons, the lighter they are the successful we are, that is related, this is we have to see what is good and wrong for whom? for our own benefit, then we have to think before we perform our daily activities.

If we can control our attitude being positive and righteous, we have to control our thoughts do not run wild, no, control those thoughts do not let think wrong against our own nature, our thoughts flush out very fast before we know it, control that, we are the owners of our own energy, this energy is provided from our Godhead, our angel guardian, this light in our electrons have divine origin then we are the children of God, because God lives in us.

In our surroundings in a sunshiny day in our atmosphere we can see tiny points of lights that spark, and flush and dart out there, that universal light is the same we have, with that internal light we perform our daily activities, that is why we need to develop our conscience and think before we do anything, our world of feelings is our spirit, and if we let wrong activity, hate or failure thoughts we have sins against our spirit, and our spirit is just love here and there, for that love of our creators we are here, then necessity was never meant for humanity.

We need to be conscience and develop that intelligence, that wisdom and choose what is best for us.

This will help you to develop, being more calmed and having peace in your mind, be successful here and there

Be the ONE you can be, for your own benefit.







定價:100 1680



