Illustrated Edition ON UNION WITH GOD Annotated with Ideas for Reflection

Illustrated Edition ON UNION WITH GOD Annotated with Ideas for Reflection


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This classic work, originally published in 1911, is presented here in a new revised, illustrated and annotated edition of "On Union with God" includes:
  • Beautiful illustrations throughout the book.
  • Footnote commentary to elucidate the text.
  • Ideas for reflection drawn from the text added at the end of each chapter.
  • Archaic language is modernized (e.g. "thou" to "you.")

"As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God." (Psalm 42:1)
This psalm encapsulates the theme of On Union With God.
The deepest and purest yearning of the human soul is to be one with God. Toward the end of a lifetime spent in this pursuit, the teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas, Saint Albert the Great, wrote this short treatise sharing with all of us in simple and clear language the way to live in love with God.
He begins by describing how a person reaches this ideal, when stripped of all other things, completely recollected and forgotten by the world, lives in solitude and silence in the presence of Jesus Christ. In the first chapter, Albert presents:
There, in solitude of soul, with loving confidence he makes known his desires to God. With all the intensity of his love he pours forth his heart before Him, in sincerity and truth, until he loses himself in God. Then is his heart enlarged, inflamed, and melted in him, yes, even in its inmost depths.
In the following 15 chapters, Albert goes on to explain briefly and simply the steps on the pathway to God, for example how to despise all things and cling to Christ; how we must use our intellect and not the senses to find God; how we must cultivate purity of heart and mind; how to practice interior recollection. He further explains the necessity of resignation and desire to unite our will to the Divine Will. He explains how to endure trials and resist temptation, of God's power and love for mankind. He speaks of interior recollection and the advantages of pray, of keeping a right conscience and humility of soul. Finally, he reflects on God's provident and loving care of all of His creatures.
This little book is written in a simple style, easy to follow, yet profound. It is a classic work on the spiritual life. As such, it is the kind of book you want to keep on your bookshelf to read over and over. Each time you read, you discover something new-a deeper meaning, a revelation of some aspect of God or the spiritual life you had not thought of, a new idea about your own life and journey toward God. In short, it is a book you will treasure.







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