The Radient Heist: Tinseltown's FINEST Robbers

The Radient Heist: Tinseltown's FINEST Robbers


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Our ultimate fear is not that we are insufficient.

Our deepest fear is that we are infinitely powerful.

It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most.

Playing tiny does not benefit the planet.

Nothing is enlightening about smirking so that others don't feel nervous around you.

As youngsters, we are all meant to shine.

It is not just in some of us; it is in all of us as we let our light shine.

We are consciously allowing others to do the same because, as we are liberated from our fear, our presence immediately liberates others.

A man must be aware of his destiny.

If a man has imagination, Fate will reach out and tap him on the shoulder.

He will turn around, and fate will show him which fork in the road to take.

He'll take it if he has the guts.

.My name is Olivia Sanchez, and I am not a thief, at least not yet, but that will change tonight.

I resolved to be a thief when I was 11 years old, and it became a determination for me.

You're probably wondering what kind of person I am, but I don't mind because I was raised by an armed robber.

I realized my foster father's work perfectly fit my goal as soon as I learned about it.

I begged him to teach me everything he knew, and he reluctantly agreed after much persuasion.

He taught me all I needed to know, as well as basic reasoning, which I eventually mastered.

I also devised my rationale, but my foster father advises that if I want to be a successful robber, I should get an education.

I agreed with him, and because my dad was wealthy, he sent me to the best school in town, where I worked hard.

I finished high school at the top of my class and attended the greatest university in the city, where I majored in "STATISTICS," which I believe is a good fit for my goals.

I gave it my all and finished the year as the best in the university, and now it's time to put plans in motion.

While in school, I was able to gather a group of people that were similar to me and shared a common purpose.

We formed one organization for several purposes, and each of us has a role to play in this.

Nate was the first person I found; he had gone through a lot in his life, so I felt sorry for him and told him about my plans.

I expected him to be irritated, but to my astonishment, he agreed without hesitation.

He's also a bright young man who studied civil and structural engineering and finished with honors.

Then I found the twins, Roxy and Alicia; we're buddies, and when I told them about my plans, they agreed.

They both studied nursing and received first-class degrees.

Next, I discovered Kelvin, who was also an important element of my strategy; he studied applied chemistry and was, of course, a first-class graduate.

Finally, I met Samuel, whom I consider to be a lucky find and the right fit for my plans, and I consider myself fortunate to have met him.

Every one of us had our reasons for being here, save for Samuel, but we all had the same purpose.

He has various roles to play and is very vital to the team; he is the team's heart.

He studied computer science, and trust me when I say that guy is a computer nut as well as the best in his class.

.We're all first-year graduates, which is precisely what I want because we have to be first-year thieves.

We call ourselves "good thieves" because we don't go after just anyone but rather the corrupted wealthy.

We use their wealth to help the poor and needy, and we ruin whatever they own until they are left with nothing.

We are not doing this for the money or the glory, but for the good it will bring.

We are the Good Thieves, and we do what we do because we are that good, and we will not stop until our goal is met.

The good should not be alarmed, but the corrupted should be aware that the Good Thieves are on their way.







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