Second Chance at Life

Second Chance at Life


:NT$ 520 元
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Madison, Emily, Katherine, and I were all packing for our spring break in South Beach. We were almost ready to head to the airport when we double-checked to ensure we had everything. "I feel like I'm missing something," I said to no one in particular. "Sabrina, calm down; let's go over your list of stuff to pack," Madison said. "Alright" I replied as I handed Madison my list. Madison and I went through my bag for the week to see if I missed anything. Eventually, we discovered I had forgotten my shampoo, conditioner, and sunblock. So, I ran back to my bathroom to grab the few things I missed before I made it back to the living room and threw them in my suitcase.
"I'm ready," I called out to the girls. "We are too" they said in unison. We walked out the door before Katherine locked the door. Once we climbed into the car my dad sent us, we buckled our seatbelts while the driver loaded our bags in the trunk. As soon as the driver loaded our bags into the car, he climbed into the driver's seat and drove us to the airport. When we got to the airport's drop-off section, the driver unloaded our bags from the trunk of the car as we climbed out.
Madison, Emily, Katherine, and I walked into the airport to get the tickets that my dad purchased for us. I talked to the lady behind the counter and told her our names to look up. "Yes, ma'am four first class tickets to Florida" the lady said. "First class," I replied, shocked. "Yes, ma'am, I took the call personally. Your father said that his little girl was going on vacation with her friends, and he wanted you to have the best flight experience possible" "Well, thank you," I replied as I took the tickets then we left her to drop our suitcases in the baggage area then we went to find the gate for Florida.
Once we found the entrance, we waited until our turn to board the plane. We took our seats as soon as we boarded the plane and found first class. While we were waiting for the plane to take off I texted my dad. Thanks for the first-class tickets; I love you, Daddy. A few minutes later I got a response from Dad. I'm happy you liked the surprise; I love you too, sweetheart. I then put my phone in my bag before I reclined my chair to sleep. Since this was a late flight, we would arrive at the hotel first thing in the morning. A few hours later, we landed in Florida, so we went to baggage claim when we stepped off the plane. While we waited for the bags to come through, we talked about the upcoming week on the beach.
After we got the bags, we made it to the pick-up area, where we saw a driver holding a sign that said "Washington and friends," so we walked up to him. "Are you here to pick up Sabrina Washington" I asked?."Yes, ma'am," the driver replied. "Well, that's us" He led us to the car and opened the doors for us before he loaded our bags in the trunk. Then he climbed into the driver's seat as I turned my phone on. Once we got to the Sierra Hotel and Resort, we all climbed out of the car while the driver unloaded our bags. "Miss Washington, I was instructed to give you my number. If you need a ride anywhere, please call me," the driver said. "All right, so my father hired you as a driver, or did he hire you as a driver and bodyguard" I replied, to which the driver nodded in response. Once my friends and I were settled in our suite. We decided to get ready to head to the beach. After we all got in our swimsuits, we all got our beach towels, chairs, and the beach umbrella. Then we headed out the suite door to get to the lobby. Madison, Emily, Katherine and I walked straight in front of the hotel to get close to the water. Then we found a nice place to set the umbrella up. I moved my chair into the sun when the umbrella and chairs were in position, So I could lie down to try to get a tan.







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