The Science of Protection: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions That Protect & Enhance You & Everyone

The Science of Protection: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions That Protect & Enhance You & Everyone


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Protection is the New Fair Advantage for Any Leader, CEO & Investor

In order to protect achievement & progress as a leader you have to be able to consistently make the best decisions under pressure.

If a leader creates negativity through poor decisions it always comes back in some shape or form.

The primary age old purpose of a leader is to protect and enhance the progress of those they lead.

Unfortunately, through the pressure and busyness of modern leadership and life we can disconnect from this universal force of protection.

This relentless pursuit of achievement may in some way in fact be diminishing you, your team and your achievements.

Maybe even corrupting your health, shortening your tenure as a leader, diminishing the quality of your life or even losing your life early?

Over the last two decades of accelerated change, top CEO's and executives aged 30-60, from top companies such as Deutsch Bank, Goldman Sachs, Samsung, Nintendo, Apple, JP Morgan, Fonterra, ESPN, Fox News, GE, Papa John's, SurveyMonkey, Theranos, Uber, WeWork and Tata Motors, have stepped down or exited their roles due to stress induced performance and health issues, conflict, unethical or inappropriate behavior, and unfortunately unexpected early death and suicide.

The Science of Protection is a six step journey that helps ensure your achievement is based on the firm and universal foundation of protection, which helps protect you and your progress without suffering.

Through purification, coherence, leadership state, capacity, spontaneous right action and deserving power you can be a leader who removes the darkness of uncertainty, doubt, stress and fear, in yourself and others, and does what is most evolutionary and fulfilling for yourself, your team and the world.

Implementing the Science of Protection as a foundation to your Science of Achievement will help you:

- Avert & minimize loss of time, money, energy, ROI, key talent, shareholder value, health, and reputation.

- Diminish fear-based decision-making and increase fulfillment-based decision making.

- Prevent and reduce costly failure and career damaging mistakes.

- Ensure you achieve what you expect in the long run.

- Continue to achieve and progress amidst exponential change, challenges and crisis.

- Avert being hijacked by your or someone else's ego.

- Stay aligned with your "inner why" and purpose.

- Quickly overcome inertia and resistances like stress, vices, incoherence and attachment.

Over the last decade Raamon, Paolo & Sara have enabled over 100 CEOs and executives through their principles of protection to grow a combined total of over $ 11 billon in revenue & over $8 billion in stock appreciation.







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