Daughters of Latin America \ Hijas de América Latina (Spanish Edition): Una Antología Global
作者:Sandra Guzman
Spanning time, styles, and traditions, a dazzling collection of essential works from 140 Latine writers, scholars, and activists from across the world--from warrior poet Audre Lorde to novelist Edwidge Danticat and performer and author Elizabeth Acevedo and artist/poet Cecilia Vicu鎙--gathered in one magnificent volume.
Daughters of Latin America collects the intergenerational voices of Latine women across time and space, capturing the power, strength, and creativity of these visionary writers, leaders, scholars, and activists--including 24 Indigenous voices. Several authors featured are translated into English for the first time. Grammy, National Book Award, Cervantes, and Pulitzer Prize winners as well as a Nobel Laureate and the next generation of literary voices are among the stars of this essential collection, women whose work inspires and transforms us.
An eclectic and inclusive time capsule spanning centuries, genres, and geographical and linguistic diversity, Daughters of Latin America is divided into 13 parts representing the 13 Mayan Moons, each cycle honoring a different theme. Within its pages are poems from U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Lim鏮 and celebrated Cervantes Prize-winner Dulce Mar燰 Loynaz; lyric essays from New York Times bestselling author Naima Coster, Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Quiara Alegr燰 Hudes, and Guggenheim Fellow Maryse Cond? rousing speeches from U.S. Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and Lencan Indigenous land and water protector Berta Caceres; and a transcendent Mazatec chant from shaman and poet Mar燰 Sabina testifying to the power of language as a cure, which opens the book.
More than a collection of writings, Daughters of Latin America is a resurrection of ancestral literary inheritance as well as a celebration of the rising voices encouraged and nurtured by those who came before them.
En un recorrido por diferentes 廧ocas, estilos y tradiciones, esta magn璗ica colecci鏮 ree piezas fundamentales de 140 escritoras, acad幦icas y activistas latines de todo el mundo --desde la poeta guerrera Audre Lorde hasta la novelista Edwidge Danticat, la escritora y artista Elizabeth Acevedo y la poeta Cecilia Vicu鎙--.
Hilas de Am廨ica Latina recoge las voces de mujeres latinas de distintas generaciones, a trav廥 del tiempo y el espacio, para capturar el poder, la fuerza y la creatividad de estas escritoras, l獮eres, acad幦icas y activistas, incluidas 24 voces ind璲enas. Entre las luminarias que integran esta colecci鏮 esencial se encuentra ganadoras de Grammys, del National Book Award, del Premio Cervantes y del Pulitzer, as?como premios Nobel y la actual generaci鏮 de voces literarias, mujeres visionarias cuyo trabajo nos ha inspirado y transformado.
C嫚sula del tiempo inclusiva y ecl嶰tica que abarca siglos, generaciones y diversas regiones geogr塻icas y lingsticas, Hijas de Am廨ica Latina se divide en 13 partes que representan las 13 lunas mayas; cada ciclo honra un tema diferente. En sus p墔inas se encuentran poemas de la galardonada poeta estadounidense Ada Lim鏮 y de Dulce Mar燰 Loynaz, ganadora del Premio Cervantes; ensayos l甏icos de Naima Coster, autora bestseller del New York Times, de Quiara Alegr燰 Hudes, acreedora del Premio Pulitzer, y de Maryse Cond? merecedora de una beca Guggenheim; potentes discursos de Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, diputada de los Estados Unidos, y Berta Caceres, protectora del agua y la tierra de las comunidades ind璲enas lencan; y un hermoso canto mazateca de la chamana y poeta Mar燰 Sabina, que atestigua el poder curativo del lenguaje; con 幨, se inaugura el libro.
M嫳 que una colecci鏮 de escritos, Hijas de Am廨ica Latina es una resurrecci鏮 de la herencia literaria ancestral.