Original Teachings of Swami Yoganandaji - Vol.2

Original Teachings of Swami Yoganandaji - Vol.2


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Evidences of Praeceptas that it has came from Master Himself ! Swami Yogananda writes as fast as he receives them from the Infinite.

I am organizing a correspondence course here, exactly like ours.

Dick is working hard setting up the correspondence course of Praecepta Lessons like that in America. (1934)

Footnote of the same letter: (Paramhansaji writes about the correspondence course," the mailing from Ranchi of the printed Yogoda Lessons, which he prepared with the assistance of Dick Wright when they were in India.)

Paramhansa Yogananda to Rajarshi Janakananda in the book (Rajarshi Janakananda- A great Western Yogi- letter of January 5, 1936)


Though CC (correspondence course) has not paid yet, it has immortalized the Lessons, which I would not have written without proper incentive. Even in the circle of saints, I hear highest praises about the Lessons, for systematizing the steps of realization so scattered and buried in Yoga books.

An immortal work has been done. Besides, all our members, and specially real seekers, who cannot come in touch with me personally (which is impossible to do; life is too short and distances too great) unanimously agree how well pleased they are with the Lessons.

I know from my experience in Europe and India that my Lessons are visible proof of the spreading of Lahiri Mahasaya's teachings. Lectures evaporate from the minds of the many --- but written Lessons stand as permanent proof of the depths and practicality of a teaching. We should never abandon the system of Lessons; that's the only way of keeping our people steadily going on in this path.

Those that are thirsty would come to me or drink from my written teachings impregnated from my soul's perception.

Paramhansa Yogananda to Rajarshi Janakananda in the book (Rajarshi Janakananda- A great Western Yogi- letter of April 6, 1936)

The fortnightly instructions have started of on July 1, the actual date when we promised to send out Lessons. ---- This was one of my great wishes fulfilled.

Without a central teaching as foundation, no work can go on. We will immortalize the work in the Praecepta.

Paramhansa Yogananda to Rajarshi Janakananda in the book (Rajarshi Janakananda- A great Western Yogi- letter of July 12, 1936)


Here in this headquarters we find a number of efficient, selfless devotees who send out, each week, thousands of Praecepta to truth-seeking students all over the world.

These lessons are not an ordinary metaphysical "hash" between book reading and imaginary self-realization, but they are God-inspired, God dedicated truths which Swami Yogananda writes as fast as he receives them from the Infinite.

There are thousands of testimonials about these weekly Heaven-uplifting instructions. They are all spiritual techniques which can be put into practice for step-by-step development in attaining God through Self-Realization.

Source: Inner Culture Magazine March 1937 Vol.9-5

Part I - Praecepta Testimonials







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