Growing Marijuana And Magic Mushrooms: Growing Marijuana and Magic Mushrooms For Beginners

Growing Marijuana And Magic Mushrooms: Growing Marijuana and Magic Mushrooms For Beginners


:NT$ 4095 元
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"Growing Marijuana and Magic Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Guide" is an illuminating and all-encompassing resource that offers enthusiasts and cultivators a thorough exploration into the art and science of nurturing two remarkable plants with unique properties. This comprehensive guidebook takes readers on a journey through the cultivation processes of marijuana and magic mushrooms, providing essential knowledge, step-by-step instructions, and responsible practices.

In this enlightening guide, you will uncover the intricacies of cultivating marijuana and magic mushrooms, while also delving into the legal, ethical, and safety considerations that come with these endeavors. From selecting the right strains and substrates to mastering the critical factors of light, temperature, and humidity, the guide ensures that you are well-equipped to embark on a successful cultivation journey.

Discover the fascinating lifecycle of marijuana and magic mushrooms as you learn the art of germination, growth, and harvesting. Through clear explanations and detailed diagrams, you will gain insights into the unique characteristics of each plant, and how to provide them with the optimal conditions for flourishing.

While "Growing Marijuana and Magic Mushrooms" is an instructive manual, it is also a responsible guide that emphasizes the importance of adhering to local laws and ethical considerations. Readers will be empowered with the knowledge needed to cultivate these plants responsibly and safely, respecting both legal regulations and personal well-being.

As you navigate the pages of this guide, you'll also gain a deeper appreciation for the historical, cultural, and medicinal significance of marijuana and magic mushrooms. Explore the diverse uses and potential benefits of these plants, from their recreational and spiritual applications to their potential therapeutic effects.

Whether you are a curious hobbyist, a dedicated cultivator, or someone interested in understanding the unique properties of marijuana and magic mushrooms, this guide provides an invaluable resource that encompasses both the practical and ethical aspects of cultivation. "Growing Marijuana and Magic Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Guide" is your roadmap to a fulfilling and informed journey through the world of these extraordinary plants, while promoting responsible practices and a deeper understanding of their potential impact.







定價:100 4095
若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。



