Random Fun Knowledge for Genius and Curious Minds: With Over 2,000 Fun Knowledge Inside

Random Fun Knowledge for Genius and Curious Minds: With Over 2,000 Fun Knowledge Inside


:NT$ 702 元
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Victoria A. reveals more than 2,000 mind-boggling facts that will amaze you, inspire you, and lead you to embark on a fascinating journey into a world of random and interesting knowledge for only those that are genius and curious.
The book contains information such as the Bermuda Triangle. in fact this book will help you travel to the mysterious heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Is it fact or myth? Is this an area full of mysterious powers or just an imagination?
You will discover unusual animals who defy the laws of nature. This book is like immersing you in holidays and vacations where cultures from around the world are showcased in the most extraordinary ways.
It uncover the ancient mysteries of Stonehenge then it will help you dive into the depths of the ocean to decipher the secret language of dolphins and communicate beneath the waves.
Uncover the quirky habits of famous inventors: from bizarre rituals to brilliant ideas. Embark on a thrilling journey through time travel theory and explore the limits of possibility.
Face your deepest fears and explore the interesting world of phobias and fears.
Understand ancient board games that are more than just entertainment, they reveal deep cultural knowledge.
Sample the most exotic dishes from around the world and discover strange foods that will challenge your taste buds.
Uncover the history of fortune cookies and the fascinating stories hidden inside their crispy shells.
Admire the sparkling beauty of the world's rare gems and minerals, each with its own unique charm.
Enter the BIZARE SPORTS Arena, where unusual games take place that break the mold.
Witness the astonishing abilities of scholars who are pushing the limits of human potential.
Uncover the mystery of AREA 51 and the truth behind the fiery world of UFO enthusiasts.
Dive into the depths of the ocean to uncover the true story of Atlantis: fact or devotion?
Decipher forgotten languages of ancient civilizations as you delve deeper into the amazing world of ancient languages.
Travel to the realm of the subconscious and more..
Prepare to be amazed, inspired, and entertained in the corridors of knowledge, guided by Victoria A.'s Book.

Don't waste any more time... Get this book now!







定價:100 702



