Dhikr of Allah: A Comprehensive List of Duas from Quran, Hadith and Renowned Teachers

Dhikr of Allah: A Comprehensive List of Duas from Quran, Hadith and Renowned Teachers


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The remembrance of Allah is a form of charity that can take us one step closer to Allah and the Gardens of Paradise! We must praise Allah. We must beg Him for forgiveness of our sins. We must ask Him for success in this life and in the Hereafter. And we must increase our remembrance of Him and keep our tongues moist with His remembrance.

The successful Muslim is one who truly knows in their hearts that their ultimate return is to Allah. And as such, they prepare themselves by doing those things that will make their scales heavy with goodness on the Day of Reckoning. It is these Believers who attain the pleasure of Allah and it is these Believers who Allah allows them to see Him on that ultimate day of days.

Sometimes we think that Paradise is not possible. We think of what we've done and feel doomed. But we must remember that Allah knows of our shortcomings. He knows of the trials we must face each and every day of our lives for He is the All Knowing. Allah is also the All Merciful and He gives us a way to redeem ourselves, even at our weakest moments.

It is through the remembrance of Allah and our acts of kindness and charity, that we can help ourselves and improve our standing for that final judgement day, Inshallah. What have we got to lose? For every second we waste not remembering Allah, the further away we get from Jannat. The more time we spend in remembering Allah, the further we get from the punishment of Hell. A person should never lose hope in Allah's mercy for there is no limit to His mercy.

This book is an attempt to compile the most commonly used Islamic prayers from Quran and Sunnah that one can use for the daily prayers, Umrah, Hajj, Ramadan and any time that one wishes to supplicate, in one book. This book is not a compilation of the daily prayers one should learn for daily life activities like how to give Salam or what to say when one eats or goes to sleep or goes out on a journey. This book is a compilation of prayers and dhikr that one can use for Salat and for performing Dhikr of Allah.

This book is divided into sections to make it easier for the reader to use while praying or simply when they want to praise Allah or ask Him for forgiveness. There is a section on the different types of Dhikr that one can recite for a given purpose but most are for the praise of Allah and asking Him for forgiveness, for Paradise and success in this life and in the Hereafter.

This book does not contain all the Arabic versions for the prayers but concentrates on transliterating and translating the prayers for non-Arabic readers or for those who find it easier to read the transliteration much more quickly than the Arabic text.

"Allahummagh-firlee, warhamnee, wahdinee, w'afinee, warzuqnee" - O' my Lord! Forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide me, keep me safe [from afflictions], and provide for me!

"Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba'da iz hadaytana wa hablana milladunka rahmahtan, innaka antal-wah'hab" - Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate now after You have guided us, and Grant us mercy from Your presence for you are the grantor of bounties without measure.

"Rabbana atina fid-duniya hasanatan wafil akhirati hasanatan wa qina a'zabannar." - Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire!

And all that is good comes from Allah and all that I have made mistakes or said in error come only from me, and may Allah forgive me for my mistakes. Ameen.







定價:100 1056



