P.O.W: Dom's Legacy: Episode 4

P.O.W: Dom's Legacy: Episode 4


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Titan struck Dom with such force that it sent him flying backwards through what remained of the abandoned building barrier. As Dom was rising to his feet, Titan was already approaching. He saw him coming and teleported behind him and struck him in the back causing him to fly forward. Dom teleported to the other side to receive the hurling Titan. "Let's put away the blades and make this a real fight." Dom demanded. "My thoughts exactly." Titan replied, balling up his massive fists.

The two rushed towards each other exchanging blows back and forth. Dom threw a kick as Titan blocked and threw punches, as Dom dodged every one of them, this made Titan furious and he sped blitz towards Dom headbutting him. Dom countered him by releasing a blast from his chest and he knocked Titan off of him. He then rushed him and kicked him in the face then roundhouse kicked him in the chest knocking him down. Titan got up and said, "You are a lot better than I gave you credit for, I'm impressed this will make killing you that much sweeter." He wiped the dust from his clothing. "You won't be killing me or anyone else for that matter, your execution days are over." said Dom. "We will see whose days are over soon enough." Titan said, then he flew and punched Dom in the face and you could hear his jaw crack upon impact. Then he uppercutted him, leaped up and grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

As Dom was getting up, Titan jetted and used the heel of his foot to smash Dom deeper into the ground. Then he picked him up by his collar and tossed him outside. Sports was getting the better of Titans warriors, but when he saw Dom lying on the ground not moving and Titan standing over him, he changed his focus from fighting them and rushed quickly towards Titan. He vigorously kicked him in the back knocking him into some boxes.

When Titan got up he was irate, he said, "Now you've sealed your fate, I am going to torture and kill the both of you right now." Dom got up and the two dashed at Titan. All three of them engaged in an intense battle. As Titan was fighting both of them he was blocking and dodging them. Their combined punches were knocking him back. Whenever Dom and Sports would fight together, they were harder to beat. This fight was not going the way Titan had hoped, so he began to power up using half of his power and they did the same . They took the fight to the skies, and resumed their battle.

The three of them were fighting so fast and intensely that the shock waves were causing the weaker ones around them to fall. Some of their heads exploded right off their bodies from the radiation and waves that were coming off of the combating trio. They were causing massive explosions and earthquakes. Green thunder began to crash upon the surface. Nearby watchers quickly retreated.

Each time Titan tried to land a punch on Dom, he would teleport and leave a duplicate of himself, creating an illusion. This was causing Titan to become very angry. Dom grabbed a bolt of the green lightning while Titan was distracted with one of his duplicates and formed a double sided ax and smashed Titan in the exposed spot of his skull. Sports followed up by sending a blast at him sending him crashing to the ground.

-a skit from round 1 of Dom VS Titan







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