Princess Wings: A Pink Butterfly's Flight

Princess Wings: A Pink Butterfly's Flight


:NT$ 600 元
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"Princess Wings: A Pink Butterfly's Flight" is a captivating story of a young black girl named Eiren, who is not just an ordinary girl but also a princess in her kingdom. From a very young age, Eiren has been fascinated by airplanes and dreams of becoming a pilot. Her room is adorned with aviation-related posters and her bookshelves are filled with aviation books. Despite her royal responsibilities and the expectations of her family, Eiren is determined to pursue her passion for aviation.

Eiren's fascination with airplanes and her dream of becoming a pilot impact her life as a princess by creating a conflict between her royal duties and her personal aspirations. She is torn between the expectations of her family and her own deep desire to fly. Her fascination with aviation sets her apart from the typical interests of a princess and becomes a secret that she must hide from her family.

Some of the challenges Eiren faces in balancing her royal responsibilities with her passion for aviation include:

  1. Time Management: Eiren must find a way to allocate time for her royal duties, such as lessons in royal etiquette and attending formal events, while also pursuing her aviation dreams through flight lessons and training.

  2. Secrecy: Eiren has to keep her aviation training a secret from her family, as they have different plans for her future. This secrecy adds an extra layer of complexity to her life.

  3. Guilt and Pressure: Eiren experiences guilt and pressure as she tries to meet the expectations of her family as a princess while secretly pursuing her dreams. This internal conflict weighs heavily on her.

Eiren's love for pink butterflies symbolizes her dream of becoming a pilot and serves as inspiration in her journey. The pink butterflies, considered rare and enchanting in her kingdom, symbolize transformation and the possibility of breaking free from constraints. Eiren sees herself in these pink butterflies, aspiring to break free from her royal identity and soar through the skies.

The mentor-mentee relationship between Eiren and her aviation mentor (Captain Aiden or Captain Evelyn "Sky" Johnson) plays a crucial role in her journey. Her mentor recognizes her dedication and believes in her dream. They provide guidance, technical knowledge, and emotional support. Eiren learns not only the technical aspects of aviation but also valuable life lessons, such as perseverance and the beauty of embracing challenges, from her mentor.

Some of the secret adventures Eiren embarks on at night include slipping away from the palace to the airfield in her pink pilot's uniform. These nocturnal escapades allow her to experience the thrill of flying and the freedom of the open skies. While flying, she executes aerobatic maneuvers and revels in the exhilaration of flight. These secret adventures provide her with a sense of fulfillment and temporarily relieve the burden of her dual identity.

Eiren's dual life eventually leads to a climax in the story when a powerful storm threatens her kingdom. She must make a critical decision to reveal her secret and use her aviation skills to help the kingdom navigate the storm. This decision puts her flying skills and her royal identity to the test, marking a pivotal moment in her journey.

The consequences of Eiren's decision to reveal her secret include earning the respect and admiration of her family and kingdom, as they witness her bravery and commitment. Her revelation strengthens her relationships and helps her reconcile her dual identity.

Throughout the story, Eiren undergoes significant growth and transformation. She learns the importance of honesty, perseverance, and the courage to be true to oneself. Her journey reflects the themes of determination, self-discovery, and the power of dreams, as she pursues her passion for aviation while embracing her princess identity.







定價:100 600



