Say It When You Feel It: A story of taming big feelings while standing tall with kind choices (A book on anger management through understanding

Say It When You Feel It: A story of taming big feelings while standing tall with kind choices (A book on anger management through understanding


:NT$ 560 元


Tara, a preschooler, is on an emotional roller-coaster as she experiences the highs and lows of making a new friend at school.

Some days are filled with giggles, while others leave Tara feeling unsure of her friendship with Ruby. She opens up to her mom about her emotions, but the mystery behind her changing feelings remains. The turning point comes during a playdate, where a tricky situation unfolds, leaving Tara feeling sad and fearful of losing her friendship. Tara's mad at herself but her mom tells her about the role our brain plays in feeling emotions and expressing them - keeping the anger monster from coming out. Tara steps up and takes charge to make things right.

Helping your little one with big feelings is easier with this tale inspired by a true event.

What's In The Book For Little Readers:

  • Where Feelings Come From:

Find out why Tara feels different things and where those feelings come from - just like you.

  • The Science Behind The Brain's Role:

Learn how Tara's brain helps her feel happy or sad, and discover how your brain works like magic!

  • Expressing At The Right Time:

Know how to use both sides of the brain to manage your emotions and express the feelings when you feel them rather than bottling them up.

  • Standing up for yourself:

Understand how identifying your feelings and the root cause can help you stand up for yourself and avoid tough situations with friends.

What's In The Book For Parents:

  • Talking About Feelings:

Use Tara's story to talk with your child about how they feel. It's okay to share real stories!

  • What to Do When Mad:

Instead of dismissing your kid or being mad at them for making a sad choice, this book shows you how to get to their level and connect with them.

  • Easily Explain Brain's Role in Managing Emotions:

Learn how to explain the brain's role in managing and expressing our feelings and equip your kids with better tools.

  • Supporting In Tough Moments through Gentle Parenting:

Use the exercises in the end to engage with your little ones and discuss emotions and their experience. See how to connect and redirect in moments of distress.

Order this book to help your kids 4-8 years old with anger management and focus on the importance of standing tall with kind choices







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