What God taught a muddled old man about; Our Triune God; Jesus Christ;The Bible, and the Book of Revelation
出版社:Fulton Books
作者:Charles Pearson
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*4.9cm (高/寬/厚)
Charles Pearson is an eighty-five-year-old man who was raised by a single and very religious mother. She was a very religious person who was active in her church all her life. She remained single until Charles was a senior in high school, devoting her life to Charles and his three brothers. She was the most influential person in Charles's early life. She tried her best to bring Charles up to be a believer in Christ and was mostly successful in that effort, although Charles was not very cooperative in that endeavor. Fortunately, Charles married a very wonderful wife who continued in that effort during their marriage, which has now lasted for sixty years. Consequently, Charles attended church most of his adult life and in fact ended up being a deacon in a Baptist church. This lasted ten years.
Charles moved his family around a lot during his working years, and they were members of several different denominations of churches. At different times, they were members of Methodist, Presbyterian, Southern Baptist, and Christian churches. He became an avid student of the Bible, always seeking the truth of the words in it. This became a passion for him, and although he was committed to his family, he spent as much of his spare time pursuing that passion as possible. This book is the result of that lifetime of biblical study.
Charles and Barbara have three children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. They are the delight of their lives.