Spiritual Mobility: My journey from Social Mobility to Technological and Spiritual Mobility and beyond.

Spiritual Mobility: My journey from Social Mobility to Technological and Spiritual Mobility and beyond.


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My journey began in 1975 as a refugee to America. Not speaking a word of English, overcoming many obstacles and persevered from poverty to financial success. My social mobility journey has allowed me to succeed in America. However, along the way I became obsessed with money, power, greed, and lack of self-control. I realized that I was chasing happiness in the wrong places. My wife had two very difficult pregnancies but resulted in two miracle babies. My survival of a brain injury.

My journey from social mobility to technological mobility has enriched my life but without self-control, the results could have devastating consequences. Mental illness, especially with the younger generations, is at the highest level in history. It is going to get worse and have dire consequences to all of us. The advancement of Artificial Intelligence we all desire and use in our daily lives will not end well. The original Matrix movie was produced in the late 1990s illustrated to us one possible outcome of AI for humanity.

Due to God's grace, mercy, and blessings I was saved and have eternal life. Accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior was the beginning of my spiritual journey that changed everything. Having a personal relationship with God the trinity, He has revealed to me things that are amazing and spectacular. The most powerful miracles are mental and spiritual not physical. I have discovered my identity, meaning, and purpose in life. Thanks to God, I realized I have untapped powers. God blessed me with knowledge and wisdom to realize I am being controlled by the spirit of darkness. Being ignorant and prideful spiritually will cause many pain and suffering throughout our lives with temporary solutions.

Around the world, we are witnessing the earthly wars and the ongoing, unseen, spiritual war. The enemy purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil's goal is to prevent you from having a relationship with God. If you are ignorant, and do not have a relationship with God, the enemy will destroy you. If you have depression, worries, anxiety, negative thoughts, jealousy, bitterness, etc...then you are being controlled by the spirit of darkness. It is the enemy's way to control and prevent you from knowing who you really are and why you were created. God's purpose is to give us all a rich and satisfying life.

We all have untapped powers that we are not aware of. The statement "we only use about 10% of our brain powers", then what is the other 90% we are not using? How do we begin to unlock part of it?

One analogy, a bird's main purpose and gift is to fly. It doesn't try to be a fish. Us humans are described in the Bible as lost sheep. God is our shepherd. Without our creator's directions we don't know who we are supposed to be. If I can make a bold analogy, we are like human smartphones. However, we function, operate, and act like old flip phones(dumb phones). How do we become who we were created to be. Your job is what they pay you to do. Your spiritual gift is what you were born to do.

As stated in John 8:32, "if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."







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