Can the Minister of God Also Function as a Minister of State?

Can the Minister of God Also Function as a Minister of State?


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Dear Readers of the Holy Bible:

Are you a genuine Christian? Are you a true Minister of God? Do you desire to work in the Government or to become a Government Minister? What does the Word of God say to that desire? What Bible Training do I need to acquire to qualify me to function in the twin role as a Minister of God and a Minister of State?

This textbook is your Bible Training Program! The spiritual answers to all those questions, and more, can be found in this textbook.

The practical purpose of this textbook is to equip the Man of God with the requisite knowledge and wisdom for a specific task: So that when he is called upon to go and advise the Government of his people, that he will have ought to say, relevant topics and themes to speak about, that he will be able to go before the Government and speak with demonstrable spiritual references, the Knowledge of God, and the Wisdom of God, showing the Government what and what the LORD God Almighty has said about Governments, the functionality of the true Man of God in National Government, and how the Government can tap into the Spiritual Template for Government and National Security and Prosperity that the LORD God Almighty has revealed in the Law/Word of God the Holy Bible!

The Man of God, the Priest, the Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven, should be among those at the table advising the Government and influencing who to select as Judges in the Land, for, judgment is of God and each time that a Judge, who is destitute of the Law of God, is appointed into Office to judge People and decide cases, the country is worse off and advancing nearer to wickedness and crime!

The current climate of utter wickedness, theft of State resources, and unimaginable crimes that Members of Parliament, Judges, and Government Ministers do commit all over the world, at the same time when so-called Magistrates and Judges are receiving, we are told, the best legal education at Harvard and Oxford, this rottenness is testament to the soulless and spiritually bankrupt legal education of the depraved Members of Parliament, Magistrates, and Judges who are sitting on the benches today in the Court Houses, knowing next-to-nothing about the LORD God Almighty and despising the very First Law Book (The Holy Bible) that gave birth to their own legal profession!

The utterly corrupt Magistrates and Judges today, in America, with their utterly corrupt and racist bribe-taking European Members of Parliament in Brussels, are the same as a child who came out from his/her mother's womb, and then began to despise and denigrate the same womb from which he/she issued forth!

An ignorant fool calling himself a Man of God but who does not know the Holy Scriptures should NOT be allowed to benefit from any Government financial protection because Heaven was not made for fools and all fools will go to Hell!


DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD

A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven







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