Cerca del Fuego / Near the Fire
作者:José Agustín
Es una obra ambiciosa y personal, en donde la azarosa bqueda del personaje lo lleva a conocerse a s?mismo y, a la vez, la terrible realidad de la ciudad de M憖ico.
Cerca del fuego muestra a un Jos?Agust璯 en posesi鏮 de un estilo exacto y ardiente. En estas p墔inas los lectores asistimos al conocimiento que el autor posee del ser humano y de sus rincones insondables. Es 廥ta una obra ambiciosa y personal, donde la bqueda conduce hacia las profundidades del ser y hacia un afuera escalofriante. En palabras del autor, "mi mejor libro". He aqu?una historia en la que no hay lugar para las concesiones, un libro nacido de la realidad m嫳 inh鏀pita, sobre el que Jos?Agust璯 asegura: "El 14 de febrero de 1978 la noticia principal del Rocky Mountain News dec燰 que un ex soldado esperaba un cami鏮 en una esquina, cuando comprendi?que no sab燰 de d鏮de ven燰 ni a d鏮de iba. Lo ico que recordaba era que hab燰 salido del aeropuerto de Miami para visitar a su hermano. En el autob pregunt?la fecha y comprendi?que hab燰 olvidado los timos seis a隳s de su vida. Se aterr? Entr?en un hospital del ej廨cito y se intern? Los psiquiatras determinaron que su amnesia era genuina. Cuando le?esta noticia supe que all?estaba el tema de Cerca del fuego. Una amnesia sexenal le ven燰 muy bien a M憖ico, pues la padece desde 1940, y a mi personaje, quien tendr燰 que enfrentarse a lo desconocido para recuperar la memoria". ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An ambitious and personal work where the character's eventful search leads him to know himself and, at the same time, Mexico City's awful reality.
Near the Fire depicts Jose Agustin exercising an accurate and ardent style. Within these pages, we readers witness the author's knowledge of human beings and their inscrutable depths. This is an ambitious and personal work where the quest leads to the innermost being and towards a frightening exterior. In the author's own words, "my best book." Here is a story with no room for compromise, a book born out of the most inhospitable reality, about which Jose Agustin states: "On February 14, 1978, the Rocky Mountain News front page read that a former soldier was standing on a corner, waiting for the bus, when he suddenly realized he didn't know where he came from or where he was headed. The only thing he remembered was that he had left the Miami airport to visit his brother. On the bus, he asked for the date and realized he had forgotten the last six years of his life. He was terrified. He walked into an army hospital and admitted himself. The psychiatrists determined his amnesia was genuine. When I read this article, I knew that was the plot for Near the Fire. A six-year amnesia suited Mexico really well--the country has had amnesia since 1940--and it suited my character also, who would have to face the unknown to get his memories back."
Cerca del fuego muestra a un Jos?Agust璯 en posesi鏮 de un estilo exacto y ardiente. En estas p墔inas los lectores asistimos al conocimiento que el autor posee del ser humano y de sus rincones insondables. Es 廥ta una obra ambiciosa y personal, donde la bqueda conduce hacia las profundidades del ser y hacia un afuera escalofriante. En palabras del autor, "mi mejor libro". He aqu?una historia en la que no hay lugar para las concesiones, un libro nacido de la realidad m嫳 inh鏀pita, sobre el que Jos?Agust璯 asegura: "El 14 de febrero de 1978 la noticia principal del Rocky Mountain News dec燰 que un ex soldado esperaba un cami鏮 en una esquina, cuando comprendi?que no sab燰 de d鏮de ven燰 ni a d鏮de iba. Lo ico que recordaba era que hab燰 salido del aeropuerto de Miami para visitar a su hermano. En el autob pregunt?la fecha y comprendi?que hab燰 olvidado los timos seis a隳s de su vida. Se aterr? Entr?en un hospital del ej廨cito y se intern? Los psiquiatras determinaron que su amnesia era genuina. Cuando le?esta noticia supe que all?estaba el tema de Cerca del fuego. Una amnesia sexenal le ven燰 muy bien a M憖ico, pues la padece desde 1940, y a mi personaje, quien tendr燰 que enfrentarse a lo desconocido para recuperar la memoria". ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An ambitious and personal work where the character's eventful search leads him to know himself and, at the same time, Mexico City's awful reality.
Near the Fire depicts Jose Agustin exercising an accurate and ardent style. Within these pages, we readers witness the author's knowledge of human beings and their inscrutable depths. This is an ambitious and personal work where the quest leads to the innermost being and towards a frightening exterior. In the author's own words, "my best book." Here is a story with no room for compromise, a book born out of the most inhospitable reality, about which Jose Agustin states: "On February 14, 1978, the Rocky Mountain News front page read that a former soldier was standing on a corner, waiting for the bus, when he suddenly realized he didn't know where he came from or where he was headed. The only thing he remembered was that he had left the Miami airport to visit his brother. On the bus, he asked for the date and realized he had forgotten the last six years of his life. He was terrified. He walked into an army hospital and admitted himself. The psychiatrists determined his amnesia was genuine. When I read this article, I knew that was the plot for Near the Fire. A six-year amnesia suited Mexico really well--the country has had amnesia since 1940--and it suited my character also, who would have to face the unknown to get his memories back."