Break the Silence: How to overcome domestic violence

Break the Silence: How to overcome domestic violence


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I always felt the desire to help people who suffered, especially women with their children in their arms. GOD was processing me on the ground and in the middle of the process. I was given spiritual weapons and intellectual training to do the work; There are very difficult cases, but the Holy Spirit will always have the answer that we humanly do not have.
In my 20-year journey accompanying women and their children who are victims of abuse, I have been able to identify the relational dynamics of violated families in their daily lives and in all their manifestations. We have observed that they are transmitted from one generation to another, repeating the family conflicts and patterns of violence that they have seen in their parents and families of origin, which they then repeat in their future partners.
Usually, people are not aware of this, however, when they manage to identify it and decide to seek help, possibilities of change are generated in their lives and in their way of relating.
Domestic violence is a problem with multiple causes that affects a huge amount of the world's population with similar characteristics, and that is equally present in all religions, professions, races, social classes, and cultures... it concerns both the individual and familiar.
Domestic violence brings with it serious negative consequences for its victims, which can occur within the home, which is sometimes shared or not with the aggressor; includes threats and verbal, psychological and/or physical abuse; sexual attack and property abuse.
In my journey, I have observed that the victims most prone to abuse are women, minors, the elderly, people with physical disabilities, lesbians, and homosexuals. Cases of violence against men are not classified as a public health problem, since the percentage ranges between 5%-7%, contrary to cases of violence against women.
We will be focusing the book on how children suffer the consequences of their parents' unresolved problems, becoming triangulated within the intra-family conflict as secondary victims. Due to all of the above and its disastrous consequence, the situation raised is critical, which is why it is extremely necessary to support the victims with a broad vision that impacts and generates important changes in the lives of women, since it is a social problem. and public health, the fundamental rights of those affected.
Violence against women is the third cause that is causing the most premature deaths, leaving physical and psychological consequences in women, above ischemic heart disease and traffic accidents.
It has been possible to identify three levels of impact of violence on women: 40% of them suffer a slight or mild impact. 30%, a medium impact, and the other 30%, a deep or serious impact that puts her life and that of her children at risk. What we see every day on the news and in our environment is just the tip of the iceberg of this scourge. Violence has a very powerful ally, which is the POWER OF SILENCE that we must all break.
I wish that ecclesiastical leaders, trainers, businessmen, chaplains, men and women, be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Support, training, mental redesigns and commitment of an entire society are needed to generate changes.
I know that this book will serve as a guide and information to people who are experiencing such painful problems and will help tell them that there is always a way out, because there is no situation that has no solution, since nothing is impossible for God.







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