Adam's Gift: The True Story of a Grieving Mother's Dive Down the Rabbit Hole and the Treasure She Discovered Within

Adam's Gift: The True Story of a Grieving Mother's Dive Down the Rabbit Hole and the Treasure She Discovered Within


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In Adam's Gift, author Cindy Williams Adams shares the story of the death of her twenty-seven-year-old son, Adam, and her subsequent spiritual journey.
Hi! I'm Adam, and I'm dead. Well, not really. I'm still here ...
"The first night in the hospital, while Adam was on life support, around midnight, a nurse advised me to go home and get some rest. I looked at Adam's monitor. His heart rate was 180, a normal heart rate for an infant. At that point, his vital signs were nominal. I said I'd go home when Adam's heart rate reached 111. Greg and I sat in the dark, listening to the beep-beep of Adam's monitor. A few minutes later, Greg said, "Look at the monitor." Adam's heart rate was 111.
My youngest sister, Rhonda, and I clipped some locks of Adam's dark brown hair as a keepsake. I was sitting at the head of his bed examining our handiwork when I heard Adam say jokingly, "Mom, what the fuck did you do to my hair?"
In that pivotal moment, if I'd talked myself out of believing what I'd just experienced, I would have grieved Adam's death in an entirely different way. Trusting the communication from Adam was real not only allowed me to accept the loss of Adam's physical presence, it allowed me to create an entirely new relationship with the part of Adam that is eternal.
Adam's lungs, kidneys, pancreas, and liver saved the lives of two individuals and significantly improved the lives of three others. Adam's liver went to a young mother from Indiana, where I was born. Adam's pancreas went to a woman with diabetes who'll never have to suffer another amputation. Adam's kidneys went to a woman from somewhere in California and to a man in Oakland who no longer plan their life around the need for dialysis. Adam's lungs went to a seventy-two-year-old man from Arizona."
From January 2011 to February 2023, Adam led me on a twelve-year-long wild goose chase where I collected seemingly random puzzle pieces that when presented altogether, finally make sense. From a past life as a knowledge keeper in Atlantis to serving as an intergalactic guardian, Adam's mind-blowing after-death adventures will change everything you thought you knew about life and death and the world as we know it.
Don't let your skin suit fool you into thinking you're anything less than a co-creator with God. We don't have to die to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. When it comes to consciousness-raising, Adam and I are giving away the cheats. Adam's Gift is more than a memoir, it's a multidimensional multimedia experience.
Brace yourself, you're in for an e-ticket ride.

Adams' debut memoir is an effectively concise account of a mother navigating her own grief while also finding ways to help others heal. Adams vividly renders her story of her life's journey, and her sense of exuberance is evident throughout...
- Kirkus review

The story of Adam and the special bond he shares with his mom gives those hope who question an afterlife.
-Dannion Brinkley, internationally bestselling author of
Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light, and Secrets of the Light

You don't have to have experienced loss to love Adam's Gift. It isn't a book of grief. Its gift to the reader is about the resilience of love and the unwavering faith of a mother faced with unimaginable circumstances and boundless faith.
-Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD, author of international bestsellers,
The Children of Now, The Secret History of Consciousness, and Touching the Light

Through the experiences recounted by Adam's mother, readers are immersed in a world where love transcends physical boundaries and continues to connect souls even after death.
-Rhys Wynn Davies, Australia's 2023 Psychic of the Year,
and author of How to Talk to the Dead in 10 Easy Steps

Adam's Gift was so riveting to read. I came away from it feeling as if I had gained so much. I can't thank Ada







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