It's not that bad in the Caribbean

It's not that bad in the Caribbean


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It's not that bad in the Caribbean
by Lorenzo Scott Galli

Ladies and gentlemen, take a seat. This is the story of a man who, following his dreams, found himself in the arms of a paradise called Cayo Largo. A life that seems to come out of an adventure novel, a love story with a sweet cocoa-colored creature and a blue sea that embraces every day with sweetness.

My name is Lorenzo Scott Galli and this is my story.

Anne Marie, my extraordinary partner, was the fulcrum of this adventure. Her cocoa-colored beauty, her dazzling smile that lights up even the starriest night, her skin as smooth as jojoba oil and her intoxicating scent enchanted me from the first moment. She is the woman who transformed my life into a wonderful dream.

And how did this story begin? Almost ten years ago, I was repairing a fishing net on the beach and a group of girls were playing volleyball. The ball ended up in my net and, from that moment, fate took an unexpected turn.

Cayo Largo is a magical place where life is full of wonder. Here you can sleep with windows and doors open, without fear. Even though Pedro and Jos?had warned us about pirates raiding the coast, the feeling of freedom is indescribable. An island where everyone knows each other, where solidarity is palpable and where even tropical storms are part of the daily adventure.

This book is not just a chronicle of events, but a celebration of life lived intensely. He will tell you about the days spent fishing for lobsters, the breathtaking sunsets and the nights under the stars. Of how we faced dangers, like the time we found Raul, a mysterious castaway, and the nights we locked ourselves in the house, protected by our small fortress against criminals.

And then there are the festive days, like Anne Marie's birthday, where the rum flowed freely and the music made us dance until dawn. I will tell you about our friends on the island, their stories and how we learned to live with little, but with a heart full of joy.

My Bologna and my London are far away, but always in my heart. I am grateful for the opportunities they have given me, but now the greatest prize is this life here, with Anne Marie, under the Caribbean sun. A life built with network marketing, which made me free at just 27 years old, free to decide where and how to live.

This story is for those who dream, for those who believe in their possibilities and for those who are ready to fight to the end. Life is now, now! If you really want something, you must have a valid reason, believe in it and fight without giving up.

And while I tell you this story, the sea continues to sing its songs of freedom, and I, with Anne Marie at my side, invite you to dream with us.

Then, one day, I will tell you about our trip to Italy. But for now, leave me here, on this beach, with rum scenting the air and the sea singing her songs.


*Lorenzo Scott Galli*







定價:100 378



