Bankers Are Responsible for Climate Change: How banks bankrolled Global Warming and what they should do about it

Bankers Are Responsible for Climate Change: How banks bankrolled Global Warming and what they should do about it


:NT$ 2400 元
可得紅利積點:72 點


Bankers are culpable. Banks extend financing to their customers who in turn engage in GHG emissions activities with the help of the bank's money. Therein lies the culpability. This is the reason why banking regulators across the world have generated (or are in the process of generating) guidelines on how banks should roll back on financing entities whose activities contribute to GHG emissions. This book illustrates the bank's governance, strategy, risk management and metrics around GHG emissions reduction.

The book shows that the same corporate strategy formulation principles that the bank uses in traditional operational areas should be applied to formulating strategy. A well-developed climate strategy will assist in identifying the bank's climate risk profile. Understanding the climate risk profile enables the bank to apply appropriate climate strategy formulation processes to the GHG emissions reduction program to mitigate climate risk. This climate strategy formulation process should enable management to better identify and mitigate gaps in the bank's controls. The climate strategy formulation process should provide a comprehensive analysis of the climate risks in a concise and organized presentation, and should be shared and communicated with all business lines across the bank, board of directors, management, and appropriate staff; as such, it is a sound practice that the climate strategy be reduced to writing.

The book illustrates the GHG accounting case of British International Investment plc. (BII), a pioneering development finance institution and impact investor, wholly owned by the government of the United Kingdom (UK). In July 2016, British International Investments plc (BII) acquired a significant stake in Zambeef Products plc by purchasing 52,601,435 Ordinary Shares at a price of 18 cents to the United States Dollar (USD0.18) per share, equivalent to the local currency namely the Zambian Kwacha of approximately one and eighty five ngwee (ZMW1.85) per share. Additionally, BII acquired 100,057,658 new Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares at a price of USD0.555 per share, equivalent to approximately ZMW5.69 per share. Together, BII allocated USD65 million to Zambeef Products plc.

Zambeef Products Plc is a leading agricultural and food processing company in Zambia, listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (LuSE) in Zambia and on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom (UK). The company was established in 1994 and has since grown to become one of the largest agricultural and food processing companies in the country.







定價:100 2400



