The Holy Communion Cup: Vol. 4

The Holy Communion Cup: Vol. 4


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Dear Christians, Pastors, and Men of God:

The LORD God Almighty gave two approaches, two ways, two methods, two Testaments, two Covenants as the bridge to reach God Almighty!

The First Bridge to God was a Physical Bridge and it is called the Old Testament, and it is over and broken and abolished and no longer functional!

The Second Bridge to God is a Spiritual Bridge and it is the current one that we are using presently and it is called the New Testament!

The First Bridge, the Physical Bridge, was mediated by a Man of God called Moses!

The Second Bridge, the Spiritual Bridge, was mediated by a Man of God called Yeshua the Christ!

When the LORD God removed the First Bridge, the Physical Bridge, called the Old Testament, the LORD God ensured that it stayed ended and abolished by attaching a curse of death to it and to all those who would be foolish enough to go and still use the Physical Old Testament as their Bridge to reach the Kingdom of God!

As a result of the above, in the New Testament spiritual era, all things and all forms of God-worship are by means of the spiritual and the unseen, just as Christ told the Woman of Samaria at the well!

As a result, all the physical things that the LORD Jesus Christ did in order to show us the correct and proper way to worship God Almighty, we do not physically need to do them anymore, but we simply have to read them in the New Covenant of the New Testament, believe them in our mind, appropriate them by Faith in the Gospel of Christ, obey them, walk daily in Truth and in Righteousness, and that is worship!

The same spiritual approach goes for the physical Holy Communion that Jesus Christ accomplished in the physical, but because we are now in the new dispensation of the Spiritual New Testament, you can no longer dwell in the physicality of the Holy Communion to achieve anything in the Kingdom of God!

If it is true that "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation", and your Holy Communion is with observation, is with seeing, is with the physical, is with touching, is with feeling, is with tasting, then, how very stupid are you as a Pastor and how dumb dog are you as a Bishop and a Prophet to think that God is wrong to insist on the unseen spiritual, but you are correct to be doing physical forms of worship?

Remember that the LORD Jesus Christ accomplished the LORD'S Passover Last Supper service (Holy Communion) and HIS entire Ministry under the Laws of the Old Testament and you know very well that the Old Testament is already abolished, so this Book shows you how to seek the spiritual meaning of the physical Holy Communion that Christ did!

The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding.


DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD

A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven







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