Rvr 1960 Biblia de Credos Y Confesiones, Café, Tapa Dura
作者:B&h Español Editorial(EDI)
La RVR 1960 Biblia de credos y confesiones tiene como prop鏀ito conectar al lector con la iglesia b燢lica e hist鏎ica. Este recurso ayudar?a que todo creyente tenga la seguridad del com acuerdo que hay en la fe y la doctrina cristiana desde los inicios de la iglesia. Con introducciones a cada credo y confesi鏮, y el lector podr?entender el contexto de la importancia de estos documentos hist鏎icos. Adem嫳 de eso, el texto b燢lico es de la Reina Valera 1960, la traducci鏮 preferida en espa隳l, en un tama隳 de letra c鏔odo para su lectura. Credos y confesiones:
The purpose of the RVR 1960 Creeds and Confessions Bible is to connect the reader with the biblical and historical church. This resource will help all believers be assured of the common agreement that exists in Christian faith and doctrine since the beginning of the church. With introductions to each creed and confession, the reader will be able to understand the context of the importance of these historical documents. In addition to that, the biblical text is from the Reina Valera 1960, the preferred translation in Spanish, in a font size that is comfortable for reading. Creeds and Confessions:
- Credo apost鏊ico (200-400)
- Credo niceno (325)
- Credo de Atanasio (381)
- Definici鏮 de Calcedonia (451)
- Confesi鏮 de Augsburgo (1530)
- Confesi鏮 B幨gica (1561)
- C嫕ones de Dort (1618-1619)
- Confesi鏮 de Westminster (1646)
- Confesi鏮 Bautista de Londres (1689)
- Confesi鏮 de New Hampshire (1833)
- Declaraci鏮 de Chicago (1978)
- Catecismo mayor de Westminster (1647)
- Catecismo menor de Westminster (1647)
- Credos y confesiones
- Referencias
- Concordancia
- C鏔o leer y entender la Biblia
- Panorama hist鏎ico de la Biblia
- Calendario anual
- Buenas nuevas de salvaci鏮
- Palabras de Cristo en rojo
- Armon燰 de los Evangelios
- S璯tesis de cada libro
- Mapas a todo color
- Palabras de aliento para tu caminar con Dios
The purpose of the RVR 1960 Creeds and Confessions Bible is to connect the reader with the biblical and historical church. This resource will help all believers be assured of the common agreement that exists in Christian faith and doctrine since the beginning of the church. With introductions to each creed and confession, the reader will be able to understand the context of the importance of these historical documents. In addition to that, the biblical text is from the Reina Valera 1960, the preferred translation in Spanish, in a font size that is comfortable for reading. Creeds and Confessions:
- Apostolic Creed (200-400)
- Nicene Creed (325)
- Athanasian Creed (381)
- Definition of Chalcedony (451)
- Augsburg Confession (1530)
- Belgian Confession (1561)
- Canons of Dort (1618-1619)
- Westminster Confession (1646)
- London Baptist Confession (1689)
- New Hampshire Confession (1833)
- Chicago Declaration (1978)
- Westminster Large Catechism (1647)
- Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647)
- Creeds and confessions
- References
- Concordance
- How to read and understand the Bible
- Historical overview of the Bible
- Annual reading plan
- Good news of salvation
- Words of Christ in red
- Harmony of the Gospels
- Summary of each book
- Full color maps
- Words of encouragement for your walk with God