Agradecida - Estudio Bíblico: Dando Gracias a Dios En Cada Circunstancia
作者:Lifeway Mujeres
La Biblia nos ense鎙 que ser una persona agradecida comienza con reconocer c鏔o Aquel que no nos debe nada nos ha dado todo. Este estudio de 4 sesiones te ayudar?a desarrollar un coraz鏮 agradecido que puede cultivarse en una cosecha continua de gratitud, independientemente de las circunstancias. Cada semana, examinar嫳 el perfil de alguien en la Biblia con un coraz鏮 agradecido, encontrar嫳 ense鎙nzas de las Escrituras sobre la gratitud, te centrar嫳 en un salmo de acci鏮 de gracias y se te animar?a practicar la gratitud. Cuando puedas ver la base b燢lica de vivir con un coraz鏮 agradecido, estar嫳 m嫳 motivada para agradecer a Dios en todas las cosas. Incluye:
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Bible shows us that becoming a grateful person begins with acknowledging how the One who owes us nothing has given us everything. This 4-session study will help you develop a thankful heart that can be cultivated into a continual harvest of gratitude, regardless of the circumstances. Each week you'll look at a profile of someone in the Bible with a grateful heart, find teaching from Scripture on gratefulness, focus on a psalm of thanksgiving, and be encouraged to practice gratitude. When you're able to see the biblical basis of living with a grateful heart, you will be more motivated to thank God in all things. Features:
- Un interior a todo color para enriquecer tu experiencia.
- Preguntas para reflexionar y aplicar a tu vida.
- Espacio para tomar notas y oraciones.
- Comentarios reflexivos por mujeres con experiencia en el ministerio.
- Ayudas para l獮eres para la discusi鏮 en grupo.
- Aprende a cultivar la gratitud como parte de tu vida cotidiana.
- Entiende c鏔o las promesas de Dios nos motivan a vivir vidas de agradecimiento.
- Explora c鏔o un coraz鏮 agradecido cambia la forma en que nos relacionamos con Dios y con los dem嫳.
- Desarrolla la gratitud como una disciplina espiritual.
- Descubre c鏔o el llamado a dar gracias est?entrelazado a lo largo de las Escrituras.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Bible shows us that becoming a grateful person begins with acknowledging how the One who owes us nothing has given us everything. This 4-session study will help you develop a thankful heart that can be cultivated into a continual harvest of gratitude, regardless of the circumstances. Each week you'll look at a profile of someone in the Bible with a grateful heart, find teaching from Scripture on gratefulness, focus on a psalm of thanksgiving, and be encouraged to practice gratitude. When you're able to see the biblical basis of living with a grateful heart, you will be more motivated to thank God in all things. Features:
- Beautiful full color interior to enhance your experience.
- Questions for you to reflect on and apply to your life.
- Journaling space for notetaking and prayers.
- Thoughtful commentary by women experienced in ministry.
- Leader helps for group discussion.
- Learn how to cultivate gratitude as part of your everyday life.
- Understand how God's promises motivate us to live lives of thanksgiving.
- Explore how a grateful heart changes the way we relate to God and others.
- Develop gratitude as a spiritual discipline.
- Discover how the call to give thanks is laced throughout Scripture.