La Otra Julia / The Other Julia
作者:Mayra Santos-Febres
La otra Julia narra la corta e intensa vida de la poeta puertorriquea Julia de Burgos Garc燰, en la voz de una escritora que lidia con sus propios conflictos y dificultades. Novela ganadora de la beca John S. Guggenheim
La escritora ha lanzado una biograf燰 sobre la gran poeta puertorrique鎙 Julia de Burgos Garc燰 y recorre diferentes ciudades para dar conocer la obra. Eso, mientras intenta mantenerse a flote econ鏔icamente y criar a sus hijos sola. Esta novela narra la historia de ambas. Julia fue una figura controversial, que vivi?una vida intensa, triste y corta. Naci?en Puerto Rico en el seno de una familia de escasos recursos, siendo la mayor de 13 hermanos. Fue la ica que asisti?a la escuela y creci?leyendo y escribiendo versos. A los 17 a隳s obtuvo una beca para estudiar en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, con el objetivo de convertirse en maestra; a los 20 public?su primer poema, se cas?con su primer marido y dej?la ense鎙nza. Pronto se afili?al Partido Nacionalista Puertorrique隳 y se convirti?en Secretaria General de las Hijas de la Libertad, organizaci鏮 hermana del Partido Nacionalista Puertorrique隳. Cuatro a隳s m嫳 tarde, autoedit?una colecci鏮 de poes燰 y recorri?la Isla vendiendo ejemplares para pagar los tratamientos contra el c嫕cer de su madre. A los 25 a隳s se divorci?de su primer marido e inici?una relaci鏮 sentimental con el exiliado pol癃ico dominicano Juan Isidro Jim幯ez Grull鏮. Se trasladaron a Cuba y luego a Nueva York. Tras su separaci鏮, permaneci?en Nueva York y se cas?con Armando Mar璯, un mico puertorrique隳, pero se divorciaron al poco tiempo y ella cay?en la depresi鏮 y el alcoholismo. Continu?escribiendo durante todo ese tiempo, explorando el nacionalismo y la identidad puertorrique隳s, con atenci鏮 al legado de esclavitud de la isla y al imperialismo estadounidense. Su obra tambi幯 aborda temas como el amor, el feminismo y la justicia social universal. En 1953 se desplom?en una acera de Harlem y falleci?en el hospital: ten燰 39 a隳s. No llevaba identificaci鏮 consigo y nadie reclam?su cuerpo, hasta que sus amigos y familiares la localizaron, organizaron el traslado de sus restos a Puerto Rico y la enterraron como una hero璯a en el Cementerio Municipal de Carolina, su ciudad natal. Hasta su temprana muerte, public?unos 200 poemas y su tercer libro se public?un a隳 despu廥 de su muerte. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Other Julia is the story of the brief but intense life of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos Garc燰, by an author struggling with her own demons and conflicts. Winner of a John S. Guggenheim fellowship.
The Writer publishes a biography of the great Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos Garc燰, embarking on a book tour of different cities while trying to make ends meet and raise her children as a single mother. This novel tells both their stories. Julia was a polemical figure who lived an intense, sad and short life. Born in Puerto Rico to a family of few means, she was the eldest of 13 siblings and was the only one of them all to go to school. She began writing poetry as a child and at 17 was awarded a scholarship to the University of Puerto Rico, where she studied education. She published her first poem at the age of 20, married her first husband, and began working as a teacher. Julia soon joined the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico and became Secretary General of the Daughters of Freedom, its women's branch. Four years later, she self-published a collection of poems and traveled the island selling copies to pay for her mother's cancer treatment. At the age of 25, she divorced her first husband and began a romance with exiled Dominican politician Juan Isidro Jim幯ez Grull鏮. They moved to Cuba and later, New York. After they separated, Julia stayed in New York and married Armando Mar璯, a Puerto Rican musician. They divorced a short time later and she slipped into depression and alcoholism. Through it all, Julia kept writing, exploring Puerto Rican nationalism and identity, especially the legacies of slavery and US imperialism. Her work also focused on topics related to love, feminism and universal social justice. In 1953, Julia collapsed on a Harlem sidewalk and died soon after in the hospital. She was just 39. She had no ID with her, and no one claimed her body. Finally, her family and her friends managed to locate her remains and transfer them to Puerto Rico, where she received a hero's burial at the Municipal Cemetery in Carolina, the city of her birth. During her short life, Julia published close to 200 poems. Her third book was released a year after her death.
La escritora ha lanzado una biograf燰 sobre la gran poeta puertorrique鎙 Julia de Burgos Garc燰 y recorre diferentes ciudades para dar conocer la obra. Eso, mientras intenta mantenerse a flote econ鏔icamente y criar a sus hijos sola. Esta novela narra la historia de ambas. Julia fue una figura controversial, que vivi?una vida intensa, triste y corta. Naci?en Puerto Rico en el seno de una familia de escasos recursos, siendo la mayor de 13 hermanos. Fue la ica que asisti?a la escuela y creci?leyendo y escribiendo versos. A los 17 a隳s obtuvo una beca para estudiar en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, con el objetivo de convertirse en maestra; a los 20 public?su primer poema, se cas?con su primer marido y dej?la ense鎙nza. Pronto se afili?al Partido Nacionalista Puertorrique隳 y se convirti?en Secretaria General de las Hijas de la Libertad, organizaci鏮 hermana del Partido Nacionalista Puertorrique隳. Cuatro a隳s m嫳 tarde, autoedit?una colecci鏮 de poes燰 y recorri?la Isla vendiendo ejemplares para pagar los tratamientos contra el c嫕cer de su madre. A los 25 a隳s se divorci?de su primer marido e inici?una relaci鏮 sentimental con el exiliado pol癃ico dominicano Juan Isidro Jim幯ez Grull鏮. Se trasladaron a Cuba y luego a Nueva York. Tras su separaci鏮, permaneci?en Nueva York y se cas?con Armando Mar璯, un mico puertorrique隳, pero se divorciaron al poco tiempo y ella cay?en la depresi鏮 y el alcoholismo. Continu?escribiendo durante todo ese tiempo, explorando el nacionalismo y la identidad puertorrique隳s, con atenci鏮 al legado de esclavitud de la isla y al imperialismo estadounidense. Su obra tambi幯 aborda temas como el amor, el feminismo y la justicia social universal. En 1953 se desplom?en una acera de Harlem y falleci?en el hospital: ten燰 39 a隳s. No llevaba identificaci鏮 consigo y nadie reclam?su cuerpo, hasta que sus amigos y familiares la localizaron, organizaron el traslado de sus restos a Puerto Rico y la enterraron como una hero璯a en el Cementerio Municipal de Carolina, su ciudad natal. Hasta su temprana muerte, public?unos 200 poemas y su tercer libro se public?un a隳 despu廥 de su muerte. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Other Julia is the story of the brief but intense life of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos Garc燰, by an author struggling with her own demons and conflicts. Winner of a John S. Guggenheim fellowship.
The Writer publishes a biography of the great Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos Garc燰, embarking on a book tour of different cities while trying to make ends meet and raise her children as a single mother. This novel tells both their stories. Julia was a polemical figure who lived an intense, sad and short life. Born in Puerto Rico to a family of few means, she was the eldest of 13 siblings and was the only one of them all to go to school. She began writing poetry as a child and at 17 was awarded a scholarship to the University of Puerto Rico, where she studied education. She published her first poem at the age of 20, married her first husband, and began working as a teacher. Julia soon joined the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico and became Secretary General of the Daughters of Freedom, its women's branch. Four years later, she self-published a collection of poems and traveled the island selling copies to pay for her mother's cancer treatment. At the age of 25, she divorced her first husband and began a romance with exiled Dominican politician Juan Isidro Jim幯ez Grull鏮. They moved to Cuba and later, New York. After they separated, Julia stayed in New York and married Armando Mar璯, a Puerto Rican musician. They divorced a short time later and she slipped into depression and alcoholism. Through it all, Julia kept writing, exploring Puerto Rican nationalism and identity, especially the legacies of slavery and US imperialism. Her work also focused on topics related to love, feminism and universal social justice. In 1953, Julia collapsed on a Harlem sidewalk and died soon after in the hospital. She was just 39. She had no ID with her, and no one claimed her body. Finally, her family and her friends managed to locate her remains and transfer them to Puerto Rico, where she received a hero's burial at the Municipal Cemetery in Carolina, the city of her birth. During her short life, Julia published close to 200 poems. Her third book was released a year after her death.