系列名:Hospitality English
替代書名:Mastering Dining English: From Social Meals to Hospitality
作者:Pei-Lin Lee; Iain Findlay Melville; Language House
規格:26cm*19cm*1.7cm (高/寬/厚)
1. 準備活動Getting Ready:學習正課前,先透過準備活動思考課程主題、進行暖身。
2. 對話Conversations:每單元設計2~4種情境,依餐飲主題學習日常實境會話,快速身歷其境。
3. 實用句型Useful Expressions:詳列豐富詳盡的實用句型,並按主題分類,各種情境都能對答如流。
4. 實戰練習Exercise:每課編有聽力情境題、字彙配對與挑戰實境口說的角色扮演(Role-Play)練習,馬上檢測成效、應用所學。
5. 額外補充Let’s Learn More:除了正課內容,針對該課主題提供額外必備知識補充,如用餐禮儀、世界知名茶種介紹,與廚師認證類別等,觸類旁通、讓學習層面更廣泛。
全書皆有外師親錄MP3音檔,針對會話與句型加強聽力訓練,搭配寂天雲MP3 APP隨走隨聽、有效提升餐飲英語聽說能力。
1. 準備活動Getting Ready:學習正課前,先透過準備活動思考課程主題、進行暖身。
2. 對話Conversations:每單元設計2~4種情境,依餐飲主題學習日常實境會話,快速身歷其境。
3. 實用句型Useful Expressions:詳列豐富詳盡的實用句型,並按主題分類,各種情境都能對答如流。
4. 實戰練習Exercise:每課編有聽力情境題、字彙配對與挑戰實境口說的角色扮演(Role-Play)練習,馬上檢測成效、應用所學。
5. 額外補充Let’s Learn More:除了正課內容,針對該課主題提供額外必備知識補充,如用餐禮儀、世界知名茶種介紹,與廚師認證類別等,觸類旁通、讓學習層面更廣泛。
全書皆有外師親錄MP3音檔,針對會話與句型加強聽力訓練,搭配寂天雲MP3 APP隨走隨聽、有效提升餐飲英語聽說能力。
Pei-Lin Lee
英國伯明罕大學(The University of Birmingham)應用語言學碩士。在台北、香港、溫哥華等地有多年語言教學及師訓經驗。作品有《KK音標入門》、《何嘉仁幼稚園美語課程》(合著)《Zippy多媒體語言學習系列》(合著)。她曾在華人衛視的《彩虹森林》英語教學節目中擔任主持。
Iain Findlay Melville
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學(The University of British Columbia)教育碩士。曾於加拿大、日本、台灣等地教授ESL及商用英文。對於推動亞洲學生的英語學習不遺餘力,並受聘於香港政府,在中學擔任語言教學、課程設計和師資訓練的工作。
Language House教材編輯群
Language House教材編輯團隊集結經驗豐富的語言學家、教育工作者和專業編輯,為各程度的學習者量身打造多元豐富的英語學習教材。憑藉豐富的教學經驗及對語言的專業,為學習者提供最優質的學習資源。
英國伯明罕大學(The University of Birmingham)應用語言學碩士。在台北、香港、溫哥華等地有多年語言教學及師訓經驗。作品有《KK音標入門》、《何嘉仁幼稚園美語課程》(合著)《Zippy多媒體語言學習系列》(合著)。她曾在華人衛視的《彩虹森林》英語教學節目中擔任主持。
Iain Findlay Melville
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學(The University of British Columbia)教育碩士。曾於加拿大、日本、台灣等地教授ESL及商用英文。對於推動亞洲學生的英語學習不遺餘力,並受聘於香港政府,在中學擔任語言教學、課程設計和師資訓練的工作。
Language House教材編輯群
Language House教材編輯團隊集結經驗豐富的語言學家、教育工作者和專業編輯,為各程度的學習者量身打造多元豐富的英語學習教材。憑藉豐富的教學經驗及對語言的專業,為學習者提供最優質的學習資源。
Part 1 Different Dining Scenarios 餐飲情境
Unit 1 Making a Reservation 訂位
1. Making a Reservation 訂位
1-1 Recommending a Restaurant 推薦餐廳
1-2 Making a Restaurant Reservation 餐廳訂位
1-3 Request of Changing the Reservation Time 要求更改訂位時間
1-4 Asking the Restaurant Staff to Change the Reservation Time 請餐廳服務生更改訂位時間
2. Dish Recommendations 推薦菜色
2-1 Recommending a Champagne and Appetizers 推薦香檳與開胃菜
2-2 Taking a Customer’s Order 為顧客點餐
2-3 Ordering Dessert 點甜點
Unit 2 Fast Food Restaurant 速食店
1. Ordering Fast Food to Go 點速食外帶
1-1 Ordering a Combo Meal at a Fast Food Restaurant 在餐廳點速食套餐
1-2 Ordering Fast Food at a Drive-through 在得來速點餐
2. Dining in a Fast Food Restaurant 在速食餐廳內用
2-1 Ordering at the Counter 在櫃台點餐
2-2 Dining and Chatting in a Fast Food Restaurant 在速食點用餐聊天
Unit 3 Eating at the Hotel 飯店餐飲
1. Ordering Room Service 叫客房送餐服務
1-1 Ordering Some Food from the Hotel Room 在飯店房間裡點餐
1-2 Pre-Ordering Breakfast at the Hotel Room 在飯店房間預訂早餐
2. Dining in the Hotel 在飯店餐廳用餐
2-1 Ordering Meals in a Hotel 在飯店點餐
2-2 Asking About Hosting a Wedding Banquet in the Hotel 詢問在飯店舉行婚宴
Unit 4 Afternoon Tea 下午茶
1. Going to an Afternoon Tea Party 參加下午茶會
1-1 Talking About Afternoon Tea 談論下午茶
1-2 Making Afternoon Tea 製作下午茶
2. Ordering Afternoon Tea 點下午茶
2-1 Stopping by a Café 去趟咖啡廳
2-2 Ordering Afternoon Tea 點下午茶
2-3 Ordering More Desserts 點更多甜點
Unit 5 Airplane Food 機上飲食
1. Meals on a Flight 機上用餐
1-1 Distributing Meals on a Flight 在機上分發餐點
1-2 Asking for a Special Meal on a Flight 在機上要求特殊餐
2. Drinks on a Flight 機上飲料
2-1 Ordering Drinks on a Flight 在機上點飲料
2-2 Asking for Alcoholic Beverages on a Flight 在機上點酒精飲料
3. Other Situations on a Flight 機上的其他狀況
3-1 Asking for Various Items on a Flight 在機上索取各種物品
3-2 Picking Up the Meal Tray 收拾餐盤
Unit 6 Bar 酒吧
1. Meeting a New Friend in a Bar 在酒吧結識新朋友
1-1 Starting a Conversation With Someone in a Bar 在酒吧與人開啟話題
1-2 Ordering Drinks and Talking to the Bartender 與調酒師點酒聊天
2. Ordering in a Bar 在酒吧點餐
2-1 Ordering a Special Cocktail 點特調雞尾酒
2-2 Ordering Some Snacks in a Bar 在酒吧點下酒菜
Unit 7 Making Complaints 客訴
1. An Absent-Minded Waiter 粗心大意的服務生
1-1 Prompting Food Service 催促餐點
1-2 Ending the Argument 結束爭執
2. Complaining About Bad Food and Service 抱怨食物和服務不佳
2-1 Getting the Wrong Meal 上錯餐點
2-2 Asking for Another Main Dish 要求更換其他主餐
3. Another Customer’s Complaint 其他顧客的抱怨
3-1 Problems With Meals 餐點問題
3-2 Handling Customer Complaint 處理客訴
Part 2 Culinary Lifestyle 生活飲食
Unit 8 Asian Cuisine 亞洲菜
1. Japanese Cuisine 日本料理
1-1 Talking About a Japanese Restaurant 討論日式餐廳
1-2 Discussing Japanese Sushi 討論日式壽司
1-3 Talking About More Japanese Cuisine 談論更多日式料理
2. Indian Food 印度菜
2-1 Eating at an Indian Restaurant 在印度餐廳用餐
2-2 Dining Etiquette and the Bill 用餐禮儀與帳單
3. Chinese Food 中式料理
3-1 Eating at a Cantonese Restaurant 在港式餐廳用餐
3-2 Eating at a Chinese Restaurant 在中式餐廳用餐
Unit 9 Lunch and Snack for Work 上班族的午餐與點心
1. Lunchtime Selections 午餐選擇
1-1 Talking About Where to Go for Lunch 討論午餐吃什麼
1-2 Ordering Lunch Takeout 訂購午餐外帶
1-3 Calling a Restaurant 打給餐廳
2. Packing a Lunch Box 帶便當
2-1 Talking About Packing a Lunch Box 討論帶便當
3. Ordering Afternoon Tea Online 線上訂下午茶
3-1 Ordering On an APP 用應用程式點餐
Unit 10 Entertaining and Party Food 宴客和派對食物
1. A Potluck Party 百樂餐派對
1-1 Talking About Throwing a Potluck Party 討論舉辦百樂餐派對
1-2 At the Potluck Party 在百樂餐派對上
2. A Farewell Party 歡送派對
2-1 Preparing for a Farewell Party 準備歡送派對
2-2 At the Farewell Party 在歡送派對上
Unit 11 Holiday Season 節慶時節
1. Christmas Feast 聖誕節宴會
1-1 Attending a Christmas Feast 參加聖誕節宴會
1-2 During the Christmas Feast 聖誕節宴會期間
2. Halloween Foods 萬聖節食物
2-1 Talking About Some Halloween Foods 談論萬聖節食物
Unit 12 Gatherings 聚會
1. Annual Corporate Banquet 公司尾牙
1-1 Talking About the Annual Corporate Banquet 討論公司尾牙
1-2 During the Annual Banquet 在尾牙期間
2. High School Reunion 高中同學聚會
2-1 Meeting an Old Friend 見老朋友
2-2 Asking for Dietary Suggestions 尋求飲食建議
Part 3 Working in the Food and Beverage Industry 餐飲職場工作
Unit 13 Eating Habits 飲食習慣
1. Eating Habits and Diets 飲食習慣與節食
1-1 Talking About Eating Habits 討論飲食習慣
1-2 Talking About How to Lose Weight 討論如何減肥
2. Raw Foods and Organic Foods 生機食品與有機食物
2-1 Talking About a Raw Food Diet 討論生機飲食
2-2 Talking About Organic Foods 討論有機食物
3. Chinese Remedies 中醫漢方
3-1 Talking About a Light Diet 討論清淡飲食
3-2 Talking About Yin Foods and Yan Foods 討論寒性和溫熱食物
Unit 14 Cooking Lessons and Chef’s Certificate Examination
1. Signing Up for Baking Lessons 報名烹飪課
1-1 Asking About Signing Up for a Baking Lesson 詢問報名烹飪課程
1-2 Signing Up for a Baking Lesson in Person 親自報名烘焙課程
2. Learning How to Cook Italian Food 學習煮義大利菜
2-1 Learning How to Cook Pasta with Pesto Sauce 學習煮青醬義大利麵
2-2 Learning How to Make Pizza 學習做披薩
3. Chef’s Certificate Examination廚師執照考試
3-1 Talking About Chef’s Certificate Examination 討論廚師執照考試
Unit 15 Shopping at Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
1. Shopping for Party Food 購買派對食物
1-1 Planning a Small Gathering 規劃小型聚會
1-2 Talking at a Tasting Stand 在試吃攤談話
1-3 Choosing Salad Dressings 選擇沙拉醬
1-4 Shopping at the Deli Section 在熟食區購物
2. Buying Kitchenware and Baking Materials 買廚房用具和烘焙材料
2-1 Buying Ingredients for a Baking Course 為烹飪課買食材
2-2 Buying Baking Tools 買烘焙工具
2-3 Paying at the Checkout Counter 在結帳櫃檯結帳
3. Buying Snacks 買零食
3-1 Buying Some Snacks 買一些零食
3-2 Buying Some Sweets 買一些甜食
4. Buying Chinese Groceries 買中式雜貨
4-1 Talking About Chinese Grocery Stores 討論中式雜貨店
4-2 Buying Some Chinese Ingredients 買一些中式食材
Unit 16 Shopping at a Traditional Market 傳統市場購買食材
1. Buying Fruit 買水果
1-1 Buying Some Fruit at the Fruit Stand 在水果攤買水果
2. Buying Vegetables 買蔬菜
2-1 Buying Some Vegetables at the Veggie Stand 在蔬菜攤買蔬菜
3. Buying Meat 買肉類
3-1 Talking About Meat Choices 討論肉類選擇
3-2 Buying Some Lamb 買羊肉
3-3 Buying Some Chicken 買雞肉
Unit 17 Applying for Catering Jobs 應徵餐飲工作
1. Attending an Interview for a Cook Position 應聘廚師的面試
1-1 Having an Interview to Work as a Cook 面試廚師
1-2 Interviewing a Candidate for a Chef Position 與應徵者面試主廚職務
2. Attending an Interview for a Server / Assistant Manager Position 參加服務生╱副理面試
2-1 Interviewing for a Server Position 面試服務生的職位
2-2 Interviewing for an Assistant Manager Position 面試副理的職位
Unit 18 Food Critics 食物評論家
1. Cooking Competition on TV 電視上的烹飪競賽
1-1 Introducing a Cooking Competition 介紹一個烹飪競賽
1-2 The Outcome of the Cooking Competition 烹飪競賽結果
Answer Key & Script
Part 1 Different Dining Scenarios 餐飲情境
Unit 1 Making a Reservation 訂位
1. Making a Reservation 訂位
1-1 Recommending a Restaurant 推薦餐廳
1-2 Making a Restaurant Reservation 餐廳訂位
1-3 Request of Changing the Reservation Time 要求更改訂位時間
1-4 Asking the Restaurant Staff to Change the Reservation Time 請餐廳服務生更改訂位時間
2. Dish Recommendations 推薦菜色
2-1 Recommending a Champagne and Appetizers 推薦香檳與開胃菜
2-2 Taking a Customer’s Order 為顧客點餐
2-3 Ordering Dessert 點甜點
Unit 2 Fast Food Restaurant 速食店
1. Ordering Fast Food to Go 點速食外帶
1-1 Ordering a Combo Meal at a Fast Food Restaurant 在餐廳點速食套餐
1-2 Ordering Fast Food at a Drive-through 在得來速點餐
2. Dining in a Fast Food Restaurant 在速食餐廳內用
2-1 Ordering at the Counter 在櫃台點餐
2-2 Dining and Chatting in a Fast Food Restaurant 在速食點用餐聊天
Unit 3 Eating at the Hotel 飯店餐飲
1. Ordering Room Service 叫客房送餐服務
1-1 Ordering Some Food from the Hotel Room 在飯店房間裡點餐
1-2 Pre-Ordering Breakfast at the Hotel Room 在飯店房間預訂早餐
2. Dining in the Hotel 在飯店餐廳用餐
2-1 Ordering Meals in a Hotel 在飯店點餐
2-2 Asking About Hosting a Wedding Banquet in the Hotel 詢問在飯店舉行婚宴
Unit 4 Afternoon Tea 下午茶
1. Going to an Afternoon Tea Party 參加下午茶會
1-1 Talking About Afternoon Tea 談論下午茶
1-2 Making Afternoon Tea 製作下午茶
2. Ordering Afternoon Tea 點下午茶
2-1 Stopping by a Café 去趟咖啡廳
2-2 Ordering Afternoon Tea 點下午茶
2-3 Ordering More Desserts 點更多甜點
Unit 5 Airplane Food 機上飲食
1. Meals on a Flight 機上用餐
1-1 Distributing Meals on a Flight 在機上分發餐點
1-2 Asking for a Special Meal on a Flight 在機上要求特殊餐
2. Drinks on a Flight 機上飲料
2-1 Ordering Drinks on a Flight 在機上點飲料
2-2 Asking for Alcoholic Beverages on a Flight 在機上點酒精飲料
3. Other Situations on a Flight 機上的其他狀況
3-1 Asking for Various Items on a Flight 在機上索取各種物品
3-2 Picking Up the Meal Tray 收拾餐盤
Unit 6 Bar 酒吧
1. Meeting a New Friend in a Bar 在酒吧結識新朋友
1-1 Starting a Conversation With Someone in a Bar 在酒吧與人開啟話題
1-2 Ordering Drinks and Talking to the Bartender 與調酒師點酒聊天
2. Ordering in a Bar 在酒吧點餐
2-1 Ordering a Special Cocktail 點特調雞尾酒
2-2 Ordering Some Snacks in a Bar 在酒吧點下酒菜
Unit 7 Making Complaints 客訴
1. An Absent-Minded Waiter 粗心大意的服務生
1-1 Prompting Food Service 催促餐點
1-2 Ending the Argument 結束爭執
2. Complaining About Bad Food and Service 抱怨食物和服務不佳
2-1 Getting the Wrong Meal 上錯餐點
2-2 Asking for Another Main Dish 要求更換其他主餐
3. Another Customer’s Complaint 其他顧客的抱怨
3-1 Problems With Meals 餐點問題
3-2 Handling Customer Complaint 處理客訴
Part 2 Culinary Lifestyle 生活飲食
Unit 8 Asian Cuisine 亞洲菜
1. Japanese Cuisine 日本料理
1-1 Talking About a Japanese Restaurant 討論日式餐廳
1-2 Discussing Japanese Sushi 討論日式壽司
1-3 Talking About More Japanese Cuisine 談論更多日式料理
2. Indian Food 印度菜
2-1 Eating at an Indian Restaurant 在印度餐廳用餐
2-2 Dining Etiquette and the Bill 用餐禮儀與帳單
3. Chinese Food 中式料理
3-1 Eating at a Cantonese Restaurant 在港式餐廳用餐
3-2 Eating at a Chinese Restaurant 在中式餐廳用餐
Unit 9 Lunch and Snack for Work 上班族的午餐與點心
1. Lunchtime Selections 午餐選擇
1-1 Talking About Where to Go for Lunch 討論午餐吃什麼
1-2 Ordering Lunch Takeout 訂購午餐外帶
1-3 Calling a Restaurant 打給餐廳
2. Packing a Lunch Box 帶便當
2-1 Talking About Packing a Lunch Box 討論帶便當
3. Ordering Afternoon Tea Online 線上訂下午茶
3-1 Ordering On an APP 用應用程式點餐
Unit 10 Entertaining and Party Food 宴客和派對食物
1. A Potluck Party 百樂餐派對
1-1 Talking About Throwing a Potluck Party 討論舉辦百樂餐派對
1-2 At the Potluck Party 在百樂餐派對上
2. A Farewell Party 歡送派對
2-1 Preparing for a Farewell Party 準備歡送派對
2-2 At the Farewell Party 在歡送派對上
Unit 11 Holiday Season 節慶時節
1. Christmas Feast 聖誕節宴會
1-1 Attending a Christmas Feast 參加聖誕節宴會
1-2 During the Christmas Feast 聖誕節宴會期間
2. Halloween Foods 萬聖節食物
2-1 Talking About Some Halloween Foods 談論萬聖節食物
Unit 12 Gatherings 聚會
1. Annual Corporate Banquet 公司尾牙
1-1 Talking About the Annual Corporate Banquet 討論公司尾牙
1-2 During the Annual Banquet 在尾牙期間
2. High School Reunion 高中同學聚會
2-1 Meeting an Old Friend 見老朋友
2-2 Asking for Dietary Suggestions 尋求飲食建議
Part 3 Working in the Food and Beverage Industry 餐飲職場工作
Unit 13 Eating Habits 飲食習慣
1. Eating Habits and Diets 飲食習慣與節食
1-1 Talking About Eating Habits 討論飲食習慣
1-2 Talking About How to Lose Weight 討論如何減肥
2. Raw Foods and Organic Foods 生機食品與有機食物
2-1 Talking About a Raw Food Diet 討論生機飲食
2-2 Talking About Organic Foods 討論有機食物
3. Chinese Remedies 中醫漢方
3-1 Talking About a Light Diet 討論清淡飲食
3-2 Talking About Yin Foods and Yan Foods 討論寒性和溫熱食物
Unit 14 Cooking Lessons and Chef’s Certificate Examination
1. Signing Up for Baking Lessons 報名烹飪課
1-1 Asking About Signing Up for a Baking Lesson 詢問報名烹飪課程
1-2 Signing Up for a Baking Lesson in Person 親自報名烘焙課程
2. Learning How to Cook Italian Food 學習煮義大利菜
2-1 Learning How to Cook Pasta with Pesto Sauce 學習煮青醬義大利麵
2-2 Learning How to Make Pizza 學習做披薩
3. Chef’s Certificate Examination廚師執照考試
3-1 Talking About Chef’s Certificate Examination 討論廚師執照考試
Unit 15 Shopping at Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
1. Shopping for Party Food 購買派對食物
1-1 Planning a Small Gathering 規劃小型聚會
1-2 Talking at a Tasting Stand 在試吃攤談話
1-3 Choosing Salad Dressings 選擇沙拉醬
1-4 Shopping at the Deli Section 在熟食區購物
2. Buying Kitchenware and Baking Materials 買廚房用具和烘焙材料
2-1 Buying Ingredients for a Baking Course 為烹飪課買食材
2-2 Buying Baking Tools 買烘焙工具
2-3 Paying at the Checkout Counter 在結帳櫃檯結帳
3. Buying Snacks 買零食
3-1 Buying Some Snacks 買一些零食
3-2 Buying Some Sweets 買一些甜食
4. Buying Chinese Groceries 買中式雜貨
4-1 Talking About Chinese Grocery Stores 討論中式雜貨店
4-2 Buying Some Chinese Ingredients 買一些中式食材
Unit 16 Shopping at a Traditional Market 傳統市場購買食材
1. Buying Fruit 買水果
1-1 Buying Some Fruit at the Fruit Stand 在水果攤買水果
2. Buying Vegetables 買蔬菜
2-1 Buying Some Vegetables at the Veggie Stand 在蔬菜攤買蔬菜
3. Buying Meat 買肉類
3-1 Talking About Meat Choices 討論肉類選擇
3-2 Buying Some Lamb 買羊肉
3-3 Buying Some Chicken 買雞肉
Unit 17 Applying for Catering Jobs 應徵餐飲工作
1. Attending an Interview for a Cook Position 應聘廚師的面試
1-1 Having an Interview to Work as a Cook 面試廚師
1-2 Interviewing a Candidate for a Chef Position 與應徵者面試主廚職務
2. Attending an Interview for a Server / Assistant Manager Position 參加服務生╱副理面試
2-1 Interviewing for a Server Position 面試服務生的職位
2-2 Interviewing for an Assistant Manager Position 面試副理的職位
Unit 18 Food Critics 食物評論家
1. Cooking Competition on TV 電視上的烹飪競賽
1-1 Introducing a Cooking Competition 介紹一個烹飪競賽
1-2 The Outcome of the Cooking Competition 烹飪競賽結果
Answer Key & Script