This book contains excerpts from the orthodox Chan Ding sessions taught by the 85th Patriarch Chan Master Wujue Miaotian, which includes correct Sitting Chan postures, and proper ways to cultivate the “qi”, all accompanied by illustrations to help you learn more easily. 本書是由禪宗第八十五代宗師悟覺妙天禪師親傳禪宗正統禪定基礎系列課程中,擷取菁華部分,以文字配合圖像彙編而成,將禪宗遞傳二千五百年最正確的禪坐基本姿勢,以及內在氣脈的運轉方法,有次第的詳加介紹,讓人容易閱讀,輕鬆練習。 本書特色 In the state of Chan Ding, we will find our self-nature emanating light. We will also learn of its origin. We will realize that everyone has the same spiritual entity and spiritual light, and that we all came from the same source. 在禪定中,你將會發現自性所發出光芒,也會知道光芒來自何處,原來每個人都有同樣的靈體與靈光,而且都來自同一個生命本源。 Chan Master Wujue Miaotian 禪宗第八十五代宗師 悟覺妙天禪師