●Focuses on real-world application by guiding students through practice problems and using the technique in a project●Presents a contemporary, object-oriented approach using UML●Integrates stories, feedback, and advice from a diverse industry advisory board of IS professionals and consultants●Provides chapters that each cover a different step in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process●Presents a contemporary, object-oriented approach using UML
本書由淺入深,⼀步步帶領讀者進入 ASP.NET MVC的技術,是⼀本入門好上⼿的技術學習書籍。---Build School創辦人暨執行長 吳典璋作者連續榮獲9年MVP榮銜,致力於微軟技術的推廣已超過十多年,熱心於社群中分享所學。本書以實務教導、清晰的解說,讓您輕鬆地邁向 ASP.NET MVC之路。---台灣微軟雲端開發體驗暨平台推廣事業部行銷經理 張嘉容本書由熱血的幾位微軟最有價值專家執筆,