Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition provides an introduction to organic chemistry for students who require the fundamentals of organic chemistry as a requirement for their major. It is most suited for a one semester organic chemistry course. In an attempt to highlight the relevance of the material to students, the authors place a strong emphasis on showing the interrelationship between organic chemistry and other areas of science, particularly the biological and health sciences. The text illustrates the use of organic chemistry as a tool in these sciences; it also stresses the organic compounds, both natural and synthetic, that surround us in everyday life: in pharmaceuticals, plastics, fibers, agrochemicals, surface coatings, toiletry preparations and cosmetics, food additives, adhesives, and elastomers. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version. Access to WileyPLUS sold separately.
‧適合2~4學分「基礎化學」或「普通化學」授課使用。‧全書全彩印刷,含精美化學題材圖片,包括化學反應與生活中的化學物質,幫助讀者留下深刻的視覺印象。‧原文作者Charles H. Corwin教授為資深初學者授課老師,內容由淺入深,由初學者的原熟悉領域漸入不熟悉領域,特別是第二章〈學前需要的科學知識〉,將學生可能缺乏的基本計算能力提出加強,讓學生可以先行準備並建立自信。‧內文各觀念敘述完畢後,隨即