★繼基因醫學之後,粒線體醫學將掀起另一波巨浪!★ 粒線體就像是細胞的發電廠,提供我們身體所需的能量。現今人們崇尚抗老、抗氧化,不只肌膚凍齡,更希望身體器官也能保有年輕的機能與活力。而位於細胞內、看似渺小的粒線體,竟與老化的祕密、健康的竅門息息相關!不論是退化性疾病失智症、帕金森氏症,還是細胞異常增生而產生的癌症,都陸續被證實與粒線體有關,因此,「養護粒線體」成了一門新興科學。 本書以深入淺出的說明,帶領讀者抽絲剝繭認識看不見、摸不著的粒線體,並提供生活化的粒線體養護方法,例如居家就能做的簡易運動、食材的選擇與烹調建議等,讓我們透過養護粒線體,維持健康、永保青春! *顧好粒線體,將使您── V 活力充沛、思緒清晰 ──養護好粒線體,能量產出更加旺盛,更能專注工作、享受休閒! V 代謝正常、體態勻稱 ──健康的粒線體代謝佳,脂肪不再堆積,無須上健身房也能保持好身材! V 強化免疫屏障,擊退病菌 ──粒線體相當於免疫指揮中心,若能顧全它,抵抗力UPUP! V 清除不良細胞,遠離癌症 ──癌症是十大死因之首,粒線體能促使老化細胞凋亡分解,從根源斷絕癌細胞!
Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers. BRIEF CONTENTS 1. Evolution: Molecules,Genes, Cells, and Organisms2. Chemical Foundations3. Protein Structure and Function4. Culturing and Visualizing Cells5. Fundamental Molecular Genetic Mechanisms6. Molecular Genetic Techniques7. Genes Chromatin, and Chromosomes8. Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression9. Post-Transcriptional Gene Control10. Biomembrane Structure11. Transmembrane Transport of Ions and Small Molecules12. Cellular Energetics13. Moving Proteins into Membr