There has been a recent surge of interest in the genus Begonia in the Philippines, resulting in many new species being discovered and described. This book brings together the work of taxonomists and enthusiasts to showcase the delicate beauty of these wonderful rainforest plants, covering 124 of the 167 species currently known from the archipelago.
書本下冊包括臺灣重要的裸子植物20種和被子植物160種以上,每一種植物內容如下,(一)科名、中名、學名(引用Flora of Taiwan第二版,並參考臺灣樹木誌2017年版)、俗名、形態特徵及分布、開花結果等物候資料,種子休眠與發芽方法、種子儲藏方法、樹種特性及用途(包括樹種耐陰性、耐旱性、木材特性用途、天然物化學研究等),至於參考文獻放在書本下冊最後,每種樹種字數約500-1200字;(二)每種植物將會附上相關照片、圖、表等,例如果實種子照片、種子發芽圖表、種子儲藏圖表及說明,若有樹木外觀照片、種子發芽照片等,也會附上。