This study tests the factors of transaction costs (TC) and resource-based views (RBV) to explain the MNEs’ entry decisions in China. By using large firm-level data from China, I show in this paper that variables related to internal uncertainty (e.g., management) and firm-specific assets tend to affect MNEs’ entry decisions in a way that is consistent with the transaction cost logic; that is, the higher degree of internal uncertainty, the MNEs may require more control over the foreign facilities or the JV. On the other hand, those variables related to external uncertainty (e.g., marketing) and intangible assets tend to conform to the resource-based view, which means higher external uncertainty would cause the MNEs to leverage the resources or local experience of local partners. This suggests that MNEs may need complementary resources from local partners to reduce the external uncertainty and enhance the value of their intangible resources.
《時代》雜誌選為1923年以來最好的100本非文學書之一《衛報》首座獎(Guardian First Book Award)決選名單入選《泰晤士報》十年來最好的100本書(100 Best Books of the Decade)————翻譯超過25種語言,全球銷售超過百萬冊———— 《紐約時報》譽為「反抗運動聖經」|當代最重要思想家╳公共知識份子|娜歐蜜・克萊恩NAOMI KLEIN一鳴驚人之作