明清職業扮裝秀學習單 l 職業扮裝秀即將開始,你最想扮演哪個角色? l 明清歷史中的 8 大夢幻職業,一起來挑戰! l 養成技能、必殺絕技,讓你潛力大爆炸! 七次下西洋的鄭和如果來到現代,一定是個厲害的外交官; 吳承恩所寫的超人氣小說《西遊記》暢銷全世界,一點也不輸給《哈利波特》! 超級商人「徽商」,和推出 iPhone 手機的賈伯
This book is an attempt to clarify the history of San On County — the broader Hong Kong area — centring on the troubled years of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is based on an in-depth study of the San On County Gazetteer, which allows for a detailed discussion of the role, attitudes, and personalities of the San On magistrates, who were the heads of the county administration during this period. Particular focus is given to Zhou Xiyao (magistrate 1640–1644) and Li Kecheng (magistrate 1670–1675). The study finds that they, and at least some of the other magistrates of this period, were genuinely concerned about the county and its people, and tried as best they could to provide good and effective government for them.