《〈破魔變〉中英對照校注》為敦煌寫卷的重要研究,〈破魔變〉講述佛陀成道時,遭逢魔王擾亂修行的故事。變文是受到佛教影響而興起的一種文學體裁,改寫佛經故事,讓故事更通俗易懂,將佛法的精神與意義深印人心,此種講唱佛經的方式,深深影響了中國文學和戲劇的發展。 二○一五年七月至二○一七年三月,中華佛學研究所洪振洲教授與根特大學根特佛學研究中心(Ghent Centre of Buddhist Studies
To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of Chinese Antique Furniture.The Palace Museum’s Essential CollectionSelected 262 pieces of Chinese Antique Furniture from different dynas
To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of the Chinese Treasures of Imperial China. The Palace Museum’s Essential CollectionSelected 229 sets of Chinese Treasures from different