為提供外國投資者及相關人士所需之本市商務及生活環境資訊,本處就本市金融、貿易、產業、餐旅活動等商務資訊予以整合歸納,以具體展現本市經貿環境優勢,並主動提供予外商參考,俾利本市經濟競爭力及國際化形象之提升。Centrally located in the Asia-Pacific region, Taipei is one of the most important transfer points between East Asia and North America, and is the idea base of operation for European and North American companies seeking to penetrate the Asian market. In ad
n 本書系《腐化墮落的羅馬人》、《匪夷所思的印加人》榮獲2005年行政院新聞局第24次推介 中小學課外讀物。 n 石器時代的人很重視口腔衛生?男孩一到成年就要把他的門牙拔掉? n 有沒有搞錯?小狗死掉居然要比照人類的模式風光大葬? n 石器時代的人吃響尾蛇也吃烏龜,到底有什麼東西是他們不吃的? 考古學家以石器的製作水準來標誌人類文化發展的
Small Sea Travel Diaries: Yu Yonghe's Records of Taiwan is a direct translation of the diaries and essays composed by Chinese litterateur Yu Yonghe during his travels through Taiwan in the late sevent