與諾貝爾獎得主米歇爾·馬約爾一起回到過去,了解宇宙的秘密,並會見物理學界的偉人:牛頓、愛因斯坦等等。這本圖像小說的宇宙指南以任何人都能理解的方式解釋了複雜的想法。這是一本充滿冒險的書——以及人類曾經研究過的一些最重要的概念:重力波、相對論、黑洞…等等!書裡面有什麼:翻頁冒險在享受樂趣的同時了解物理知識簡單插圖中的複雜概念Go back in time with Nobel Prize laureate Michel Mayor to understand the secrets of the Universe and meet the great names in physics: Newton, Einstein and many more. This graphic novel guide to the Universe explains complex ideas in a way anyone can understand. It's a book full of adventure — as well as some of the most important concepts humankind has ever studied. On the program: gravitational waves, the theory of relativity, black holes... and more!What's inside:Page-turning adventureLearn about physics, while having funComplex concepts in simple illustrations
◎情感豐富的主題:故事講述了告別與重逢的承諾,帶來面對未來挑戰的祝福與能量。◎純真清新的畫風:作者以清新細膩的畫風,讓讀者感受到故事中的情感與美好。◎深刻的生命反思:作者對遺忘與離別有深刻的體悟,分享了生命價值與意義的思考。This is a story about longing and learning to say goodbye. Goodbye, is not a farewell to memories, but a promise of reunions yet to unfold. The wind, though invisible, is everywhere. Through seasons' turn, from spring's gentle bloom to winter's solemn grace, they bestow upon us full blessings and energy to face all the challenges of the future.◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見http://www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9786269860814.pdf
當外星人登陸地球並要求你成為他的嚮導時,你會怎麼做?來自 Pootoon 的好奇外星人 Zolo 已登陸地球!史賓賽和路克需要引導他探索我們星球的奇蹟。加入古怪的三人組,踏上一生難忘的冒險之旅,從發現世界上最高的樹到重溫佐洛作為吊艙賽車手的秘密過去。Spencer Science 由來自 KooBits 的才華橫溢的插畫家和教育專家團隊創立,KooBits 是一家屢獲殊榮的教育科技領導者,自 2014 年以來在其平台上擁有超過 250,000 名活躍用戶。系列特點:• 掌握關鍵科學詞彙• 將科學應用於現實生活• 將學習與樂趣融為一體• 為孩子提供有意義的娛樂• 孩子們喜愛的幽默與古怪!What do you do when an alien lands on Earth and asks you to be his guide?Zolo, the curious alien from Pootoon, has landed on Earth! It's up to Spencer and LUKE to guide him through our planet's wonders. Join the quirky trio as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime, from discovering the world's tallest tree to revisiting Zolo's secret past as a pod racer.Spencer Science is created by a team of talented illustrators and education experts from KooBits, an award-winning EdTech leader with over 250,000 active users on its platforms since 2014.Series features:• Pick Up Key Science Vocabulary• Apply Science to Real Life• Blend Learning with Fun• Entertain Children Meaningfully• Humour and Wackines
當外星人登陸地球並要求你成為他的嚮導時,你會怎麼做?來自 Pootoon 的好奇外星人 Zolo 已登陸地球!史賓賽和路克需要引導他探索我們星球的奇蹟。加入古怪的三人組,踏上一生難忘的冒險之旅,從發現世界上最高的樹到重溫佐洛作為吊艙賽車手的秘密過去。Spencer Science 由來自 KooBits 的才華橫溢的插畫家和教育專家團隊創立,KooBits 是一家屢獲殊榮的教育科技領導者,自 2014 年以來在其平台上擁有超過 250,000 名活躍用戶。系列特點:• 掌握關鍵科學詞彙• 將科學應用於現實生活• 將學習與樂趣融為一體• 為孩子提供有意義的娛樂• 孩子們喜愛的幽默與古怪!What do you do when an alien lands on Earth and asks you to be his guide?Zolo, the curious alien from Pootoon, has landed on Earth! It's up to Spencer and LUKE to guide him through our planet's wonders. Join the quirky trio as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime, from discovering the world's tallest tree to revisiting Zolo's secret past as a pod racer.Spencer Science is created by a team of talented illustrators and education experts from KooBits, an award-winning EdTech leader with over 250,000 active users on its platforms since 2015.Series features:• Pick Up Key Science Vocabulary• Apply Science to Real Life• Blend Learning with Fun• Entertain Children Meaningfully• Humour and Wackines
與蒂蒙·馬斯 (Timun Mas) 一起開始一段迷人的旅程,蒂蒙·馬斯是一位勇敢的英雄,戰勝了強大的敵人。揭開加里曼丹海豚的起源故事,深入了解多巴湖的傳說。探索當地英雄 Pan Balangtamak 的幽默冒險,了解小鳥 Hua Lo Puu,並探索在潮濕的田野裡種植水稻的迷人故事。準備好進入充滿奇蹟和文化寶藏的世界,進行一次難忘的冒險,慶祝印尼豐富的遺產。取材自亞洲與西方的經典故事,《Pop!Lit for Kids》將它們重新想像成易於閱讀的故事,為經典故事提供了完美的介紹。來自世界各地最受歡迎的故事,已被改編成能夠讓世界各地的孩子們感到興奮和充滿娛樂的形式。系列特點:• 增強詞彙量:我們的兒童讀物旨在以有趣且引人入勝的方式提高詞彙技能,幫助孩子擴大詞彙庫並提高語言能力。• 文化多樣性:潛入世界各地永恆的故事和民間傳說的世界!我們的書籍以深受喜愛的經典作品和傳統民間故事為特色,向孩子們介紹經得起時間考驗的故事。Begin a captivating journey with Timun Mas, a brave hero who triumphs against a mighty foe. Unveil the origin story of the Kalimantan dolphin and dive into the legend of Lake Toba. Discover the humorous adventures of local hero Pan Balangtamak, learn about Hua Lo Puu, the tiny bird, and explore the fascinating tale of rice cultivation in the wet fields. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure into a world of wonder and cultural treasures, celebrating Indonesia's rich heritage.Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read storie