★首刷限量特典贈品★作者親筆手繪印簽+《邪惡新郎愛上我》影視劇照書衣+兩張明信片+一張插畫書籤+一張劇照拍立得+A5資料夾一個【春光‧南風系】情不知所起,一往而深。尋著心之所向,乘著拂曉清風,流往剎那即永恆之境。――✴✴✴――風靡亞洲超夯泰劇《與愛同居》《不期而愛》《愛在空氣中》耽美天后作者Mame浪漫力作!愛奇藝話題戲劇《邪惡新郎愛上我》超人氣原著小說Me Mind Y公司強力亮眼新星Sunny、Pak領銜主演 Namnuea是個熱愛工作、真摯周到的婚禮策劃師,畢生的志業是希望帶給人幸福和愉悅。某天,他接到了富二代準新郎Sailom的婚禮計畫委託,Sailom希望Namnuea為自己與青梅竹馬的未婚妻Yiwa籌備一場盛大美麗的婚禮。當Namnuea正式見到Sailom和Yiwa那天,卻發現Sailom竟是自己一見鍾情的高大英俊男人!他的一顰一笑都讓Namnuea心臟緊縮、如小鹿亂跳,而且那雙凝望過來的深邃眼神也莫名地熾熱勾人……隨著兩人為了婚禮細節討論日久相處,那份強烈的聯繫懸在彼此所處的空氣中,吸引力無所不在,Namnuea拚命想維持理性,抗拒陷入這樣禁忌、不被允許的曖昧關係裡,但Sailom不時湊近的輕柔呼吸和似有若無的碰觸,每每讓他感覺一不小心就要身心失守……究竟,這場婚禮計畫要怎麼進行下去呢?――✴✴✴――本書特色愛情有如龍捲風來襲,難以逃掉無法離開霸總腹黑大野狼vs誤闖禁區小白兔又甜又虐又激情又揪心的愛情追趕跑跳碰
Can we ever go home again? This question lies at the heart of Homecomings by Wong Yoon Wah, a veteran Singaporean poet and a prominent voice in global Chinese literature.In these poems, Wong delves into his country’s precolonial and colonial history, the natural heritage of the rainforest, his memories of his kampung hometown, his heartbreak at the closure of Nanyang University, and the global traumas of European colonisation and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.He expresses the loneliness and dislocation of the Chinese diaspora, as well as the sorrow of his generation as so many of their cultural touchstones are destroyed in the name of progress. At the same time, he embraces a planetary mode of thinking, sensing rapport with fellow humans from distant cultures and geographies, identifying even with the plants and animals that compose our ecosystem.Filled with nostalgia, bitter irony and strange beauty, Homecomings is a love letter to the past, revisiting its glories, making peace with t