Originally written over a period from about 1979 to the early 1980s, the first in the trilogy was inspired by the theatre of the absurd and focused on the nature of human relationships across the fabric of space-time. The second, written in the late 1980s and the following early 1990s, was focused on repercussions of events across space-time; and then the third, written in 2000 and after, more or less concludes the trilogy with elements of the preceding two interwoven and coming to grips with the vicissitudes of life.
Sam, working as a trainee waiter in a small Italian restaurant near the West End of London, was one day fooled by a bohemian sort of man with a bad sort of logic that led to his dismissal by the head waitress. Feeling lost and trotting along Regent Street he bumped into his girl friend Amy who had just been through a similar scenario, and that made them both laugh away their ‘misfortune’ to start afresh. Sam decided to take a critical thinking course run by a certain Professor Panggloss, a name that rang a bell for him, recalling Voltaire’s famous novel Candide, and the course turned out to be very useful, albeit puzzling at times, which therefore troubled Sam quite a lot, so much so that he had to share his critical thinking problems with Amy, even when she was already away from the UK, holidaying at her aunt’s invitation in Hong Kong. The lovers, separated by at least six thousand miles, carried on their intimate communication using state-of-the-art IT, frequently disturbing each o
From his court Jupiter keeps staying away, Missed by fellow gods; Atlas the culprit at large---- ----The Tower of Pisa: A Sequel Since the appearance of POTTY LITTLE MAN SELECTED POEMS OF BAI CHUAN III (《人渺小:白川詩選三》) in its original native language, there has been a demand for a serious attempt to transform its international outlook into an international readership. In response to this, the present English edition offers not a slavish translation. Instead, there is perhaps a true sense of creative effort, to say nothing of the venture itself being a rich and rewarding experience.
In this region, medium streams sloppily freeze, except before an imminent severe snowstorm. — LIFE AND DEATH OF SNOW Originally written back in 1991, the first half, five short stories, remains special, being inspired by experiences of growing up, travel, and interactions with the animal world, even the eponymous centipede did exist! As for the poems (written circa 1978 – 86), some of these were motivated by the Sino-British talks and Hong Kong’s uncertain future, not to mention the astronomical interest associated with another group gripped by the enthusiasm aroused by planetary exploration. The others turn over themes of nature and life. Note: In the first story, the region depicted has been administratively incorporated into the new Uonuma city. Slow business has led to shorter ski season and the shutting of lesser-known ski grounds.