日本電影是一個巨大無比的寶庫,愈是沉浸、徜徉其間,愈是感到其博大精深。日本在電影評論方面,跟電影創作同樣認真;歷史悠久的《電影旬報》,早在1926年已經開始評選每年10大日本電影。至於美國演藝學院,在1929年才開始頒發奧斯卡金像獎,評選美國優秀電影,這跟日本相比,還要遲上3年。本書收集了資深影評人黃國兆過去半世紀來,在香港各大報刊雜誌、電影節目場刊等園地,發表過的有關日本電影的評論或介紹文字。黃國兆以生動的筆法,從大師級的黑澤明、小津安二郎、市川崑,寫到近三十年主宰日本影壇的大島渚、山田洋次、是枝裕和等。內容涵蓋了歷史、人物和作品三方面,深入淺出而圖文並茂,日本片影迷和電影書讀者皆不宜錯過。好評推薦:「黃國兆前輩學識淵博,並且經常周遊列國,參與不同地區的大小影展,在東京國際電影節舉辦初期已被應邀出席,很多日本電影人都是他的私交好友,故此比其他學者和影評人掌握更多重要資訊,他就像是日本電影的活字典,由他親自整理多年著作而成的《日本電影筆記――東洋映畫の鑑賞》,絕對是殿堂級的日本電影研究專書。」――何故,作家、編劇、影評人「黃國兆的電影隨筆,筆觸瀟灑,易讀耐看,香港關於日本電影的研究書籍並不多,黃國兆既是影評也是編劇更是導演,回顧小津擲地有聲。從他銳利的新浪潮目光看黑澤明、山田洋次,甚至是枝裕和,都令人眼睛想旅行,想去日本看電影。」――林震宇(皮亞),浸會大學新媒體及影視創意寫作課程主任「喜歡看東洋電影,也寫過一些日本片的影評,可惜從來沒有做過系統性的論述。如今黃國兆把他歷年來對日本電影的觀賞與研究整理出《日本電影筆記――東洋映畫の鑑賞》予以出版,實在是影迷的福音。從大師級的黑澤明、小津安二郎、市川崑,到近三十年主宰日本影壇的大島渚、山田洋次、是枝裕和等,書中均有『專題篇』詳述,另有日本電影和電影人的多篇分論,一直寫到當前最紅的〈談濱口龍介的 Drive My Car〉,內容豐富而論點紥實,你怎麼捨得不買來看?」――梁良,台、港資深影評人「黃國兆的著作,提供了欣賞東洋電影的豐富資料,涵蓋了歷史、人物和作品三方面,深入淺出而圖文並茂,日本片影迷和電影書讀者皆不宜錯過。」――舒明,台、港資深影評人「黃國兆以生動的筆法,展現日本電影從黃金時期至今的燦爛成就。」――鄭政恆,香港電影評論學會會長
In Chinese Cinema: Identity, Power, and Globalization, a variety of scholars explore the history, aesthetics, and politics of Chinese cinema as the Chinese film industry grapples with its place as the second largest film industry in the world. Exploring the various ways that Chinese cinema engages with global politics, market forces, and film cultures, this edited volume places Chinese cinema against an array of contexts informing the contours of Chinese cinema today. The book also demonstrates that Chinese cinema in the global context is informed by the intersections and tensions found in Chinese and world politics, national and international co-productions, the local and global in representing Chineseness, and the lived experiences of social and political movements versus screened politics in Chinese film culture. This work is a pioneer investigation of the topic and will inspire future research by other scholars of film studies.
Based on a close reading of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu’s extant films, this book provides insights into the ways the director created narrative structures and used symbolism to construct meaning in his films. Against critics’ insistence that Ozu was indifferent to plot and unlikely to use symbols, Geist demonstrates otherwise, revealing the director’s subtle iconographic paradigms. Her incisive understanding of the historical and cultural context in which the films were conceived amplifies her analysis of the films’ structure and meaning. Ozu: A Closer Look guides the reader through Ozu’s early, silent films and his sound films made during Japan’s wars in Asia and the subsequent American Occupation, then takes up specific themes relevant to his later, better-known films. These themes include religion, gender, and the influence of traditional Japanese painting. Geist also examines the impact that Ozu’s films had on specific directors in Europe, America, and Japan. Intended for film
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