Describes the transformational journey to enlightenment and awareness using the tarot, astrology, the Qabalah, the alchemy of transformation, and analytical psychology.
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE CHAKRA SYSTEM? Many people focus on a single chakra - like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love,
Collected lectures on shamanism, multi-dimensional reality, time travel, voyaging beyond the ordinary, and exploration of expanded consciousness spaces.
If you're ready to do powerful magick without using any wands, robes, or altars, you need Practical Guide to Creative Visualization by Denning & Phillips. In it you'll learn everything you need t
For the attainment of a successful life--including better health and relationships, relief from stress, career satisfaction, and financial security--Centering offers a unique system of meditation tech
Deliberate psychic attack is very rare. However, your psyche is constantly under attack from friends and strangers, advertisers and politicians who want to manipulate you. Luckily, there is a solutio
This book explores the use and development of man's symbolizing capacities-those qualities that make him distinctly human. Dr. Whitmont describes the symbolic approach to a dream, which takes into acc
In this book, Leo Buscaglia attempts to offer an historic view of the ethical principles that have guided our humanity. He believes that everyone is responsible through their own uniqueness for compl
One of America's leading psychiatrists analyzes the war of the emotions within each of us and shows how the power of love can shape our instinctual aggressiveness to the service of human happiness. I
When we hear such expressions as feelings of inferiority and insecurity, striving for self-enhancement and power, woman's revolt against her feminine role, the oversolicitous mother, the dethronement
In this classic work a noted psychoanalyst assesses the persistent tension between traditional religion and the underlying philosophy of psychoanalysis, which many believe regards the satisfaction of