Carol Newsom illuminates the relation between the aesthetic forms of Job and the claims made by its various characters. Her innovative approach makes possible a new understanding of the unity of the b
Reading Ecclesiastes explores the literary style and themes of the Book of Ecclesiastes, investigating its overall theological messages and the cultural perspectives which readers bring to bear on the
Nam, pastor of the Korean Baptist Church in Sherwood, Arkansas, delves into some deep questions raised by the passage, particularly the reasons for Yahweh's various attitudes and judgements about Job
The words and images of the psalms are so rich, complex, and evocative that it is possible to become lost in them; one can lose track of where one is within a psalm, or of where the psalm is going. Th
Psalms Vol. 1, which is part of the NIV Application Commentary Series, helps readers learn how the message of the Psalms can have the same power impact today that it did when they were first written.
William Brown introduces a new method of exegesis, particularly for biblical poetry, that attends to the metaphorical contours of the Psalms. His method as proposed and demonstrated in this book suppl
Greeted with controversy on its publication, Answer to Job has long been neglected by many serious commentators on Jung. This book offers an intellectual and cultural context for C.G.Jung's 1952 publi
Arranged as a series of meditations on selected passages from one of the Bible's most beloved books, this book is for Christians who, like Job, are experiencing deep suffering and a sense of separati
Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.A perverse person spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.Go to the ant, you lazybones; consider its ways, a
'Now my eyes have seen you." (Job 42:5)Few biblical texts are more daunting, and yet more fascinating, than the book of Job—and few have been the subject of such diverse interpretation.For Robert Fyal
Reclaim the Psalms for true worship, as well as prayer, as you learn how to approach God with the emotional intensity of the ancient psalmists. Denise Dombkowski Hopkins combines the insights of schol
The term hebel occurs nearly 40 times in the Old Testament book. It is superficially translated as vanity, but commentators and translators often find it confusing and are therefore unsure of the te
The first of three volumes, this book is an edition of forty psalters written or owned in Anglo-Saxon England, half of which are glossed in Old English. The work is an invaluable tool for comparative
"John Phillips writes with enthusiasm and clarity, . . . cutting through the confusion and heretical dangers associated with Bible interpretation." —Moody Magazine
"John Phillips writes with enthusiasm and clarity, . . . cutting through the confusion and heretical dangers associated with Bible interpretation." —Moody Magazine
The greatest love story ever written, the Song of Solomon describes the emotional, unfolding story of the Bridegroom and His bride. Jeanne Guyon shows how the song of a young maiden, fervently in love